raseniero / Sitecore-v901-XP1-Scaled-Installation

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Sitecore XP1 Scaled (On-Premise) Installation Notes

This is a guide or a reference for installing Sitecore XP1 v9.0 in a fully scaled on-premise environment.

Note: This documentation is still a work-in-progress, do expect constant updates. For questions or need elaboration please send an email to rasenieroAtGmailDotCom.

Getting Started

These instructions will serve as a guide or a reference for deploying Sitecore XP1 v9.0 in a fully scaled on-premise environment.

In the following scenario below, every core roles and XP service roles is performed by a dedicated server. This is a pre-built topology and is also known as XP1 Scaled. However, roles can be combine into a single instance, e.g. all xConnect and xDB roles (i.e. Collection, Collection Search, Marketing Automation, Marketing Automation Reporting, and ReferenceData) can be installed in a single instance.

We will be referencing the diagram below in our instructions to come.



Depending on the role or instance, each has it's own respective prerequisites, but the general prerequisites are enumerated below.

For the Hardware requirements, please refer to the Sitecore 9.0 Installation Guide.

For each role or instance in the diagram, find their respective prerequesites below.

Solr Instance

To setup Solr instance see section Installation->Solr Instance

All Other Instances

This includes XConnect, xDB Services, Content Management, Content Delivery, Processing and Reporting instances.


The general approach is to start with setting up Solr instance then followed by XConnect (i.e. Collection, CollectionSearch roles), xDB Services (i.e. ReferenceData, MarketingAutomationReporting, MarketingAutomation roles), Reporting, Processing, Content Management, and Content Delivery instances.

General Installation

This applies to the follwing instances or roles XConnect, xDB Services, Content Management, Content Delivery, Processing and Reporting instances.

  1. Clone this repository into an Installation Directory.

    Note: In this scenario is c:\xp, you can also use other location i.e. d:\xp but need to update the scripts.

  2. Download and extract Sitecore 9.0.1 rev. 171219 (WDP XP1 packages).zip to the Installation Directory.

    Note: All WDP Packages (.zip files) should be directly under the Installation Directory*.

  3. Save you Sitecore license file directly under the Installation Directory as license.xml.
  4. Set NETWORK SERVICE with Modify permission to c:\inetpub\wwwroot folder
  5. Set IIS_IUSRS or IUSR or NETWORK SERVICE with Modify permission to %WINDIR%\Temp\ folder
  6. Set IIS_IUSRS or IUSR or NETWORK SERVICE with Modify permission to %WINDIR%\Globalization\ folder
  7. Set IIS_IUSRS or IUSR or NETWORK SERVICE with Modify permission to %PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Crypto\ folder
  8. Clear the Web Platform Installer download cache
  9. Enable contained database authentication by running a sql query below
    sp_configure 'contained database authentication', 1; GO RECONFIGURE; GO

Solr Instance Installation

  1. Install Chocolatey by runnning the PowerShell script below as Administrator.
    Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
  2. Install NSSM using Chocolatey by running the command below.
    C:\> choco install nssm
  3. Install JRE 1.8 using Chocolatey by running the command below.
    C:\> choco install jre8
  4. Install OpenSSL using Chocolatey by running the command below.
    C:\> choco install openssl.light
  5. Download and install Solr 6.2.2 by following the Installing Solr guide.
  6. Enable SSL on Solr by following the Enabling SSL guide.
  7. Setup as a Service using NSSM
  8. To install the Sitecore Solr Cores, edit the parameters on the c:\xp\sitecore-SolrCores.ps1 scripts to match local values.
    #define parameters 
    $Prefix = "xp901" 
    $PSScriptRoot = "c:\xp"
    $Path = "$PSScriptRoot\config\sitecore-solr.json"

$SolrUrl = "https://localhost:8983/solr" $SolrRoot = "C:\solr-6.6.2" $SolrService = "solr662" $CorePrefix = $Prefix

9. Run c:\xp\sitecore-SolrCores.ps1 <<Press Enter>>

PS C:> .\sitecore-SolrCores.ps1 scripts

>Note: If the cores exist, they will be overwritten.
10. To install the xConnect Solr Cores, edit the parameters on the [c:\xp\xconnect-SolrCores.ps1](xconnect-SolrCores.ps1) scripts to match local values. 

define parameters

$Prefix = "xp901" $PSScriptRoot = "c:\xp" $ConfigPath = "$PSScriptRoot\config"

$SolrUrl = "https://localhost:8983/solr" $SolrRoot = "C:\solr-6.6.2" $SolrService = "solr662"

11. Run c:\xp\xconnect-SolrCores.ps1 scripts. 

PS C:> .\xconnect-SolrCores.ps1 <>

>Note: If the cores exist, they will be overwritten.

#### Expected Result

You should be able to browse the Solr website using the $SolrUrl i.e. opening the https://localhost:8983/solr in your browser.

### xConnect Instance Installation

1. To install the xConnect Collection role, edit the parameters for [c:\xp\xconnect-xp1-Collection.ps1](xconnect-xp1-Collection.ps1), they are exposed so its easy to change them for production environment purposes.

<# Exposed parameters for creating the Collection Service, so you can change it for production


$Prefix = "xp901" #This is usually the name of the site $PSScriptRoot = "c:\xp" #This is the default destination folder from the git clone, if different then update this to point to the new location.

$Path = "$PSScriptRoot\config\xconnect-xp1-collection.json" $Package = "$PSScriptRoot\Sitecore 9.0.1 rev. 171219 (OnPrem)_xp1collection.scwdp.zip" $LicenseFile = "$PSScriptRoot\license.xml" #The Sitecore License.xml file $SiteName = "$Prefix.collection"

$SSLCert = "" #Todo: needs to be provided (applicable for production environment), if not then generated by the script (applicable for development environment). $XConnectCert = "$Prefix.xconnect_client"

<# The $Prefix, $SqlAdminUser, $SqlAdminPassword and $SqlServer needs to be changes. The rest can use the default (for development environment purposes) but for production it's recommended to be change.


$SqlDbPrefix = $Prefix $SqlAdminUser = "sa" $SqlAdminPassword="Test12345" $SqlCollectionUser = "collectionuser" $SqlCollectionPassword = "Test12345" $SqlProcessingPoolsUser = "poolsuser" $SqlProcessingPoolsPassword = "Test12345" $SqlMarketingAutomationUser = "marketingautomationuser" $SqlMarketingAutomationPassword = "Test12345" $SqlMessagingUser = "messaginguser" $SqlMessagingPassword = "Test12345" $SqlServer = "RAMONASENIE0E1F"

$XConnectEnvironment ="Development" #For production environment use Production $XConnectLogLevel = "Information" #Can be Debug

2. Run c:\xp\xconnect-xp1-Collection.ps1. 

PS C:\xp> .\xconnect-xp1-Collection.ps1 <>

>Note: you can pass -Verbose or -WhatIf parameters to see more information or run the script without making actual changes.

>Note: The script will take about (+/-) 1 minute and 40 seconds to complete execution, see the [xconnect-xp1-collection.log](xconnect-xp1-collection.log) file.
3. To install the xConnect Collection Search role, edit the parameters for [c:\xp\xconnect-xp1-CollectionSearch.ps1](xconnect-xp1-CollectionSearch.ps1) script.

<# Exposed parameters for creating the Collection Search Service, so you can change it for production


$Prefix = "xp901" #This is usually the name of the site $PSScriptRoot = "c:\xp" #This is the default destination folder from the git clone, if different then update this to point to the new location. $Path = "$PSScriptRoot\config\xconnect-xp1-collectionsearch.json"

$Package = "$PSScriptRoot\Sitecore 9.0.1 rev. 171219 (OnPrem)_xp1collectionsearch.scwdp.zip" $LicenseFile = "$PSScriptRoot\license.xml" #The Sitecore License.xml file $SiteName = "$Prefix.collectionsearch"

$SSLCert = "" #Todo: needs to be provided (applicable for production environment), if not then generated by the script (applicable for development environment). $XConnectCert = "$Prefix.xconnect_client"

<# The $Prefix, $SqlAdminUser, $SqlAdminPassword and $SqlServer needs to be changes. The rest can use the default (for development environment purposes) but for production it's recommended to be changed.


$SqlDbPrefix = $Prefix $SqlCollectionUser = "collectionuser" $SqlCollectionPassword = "Test12345" $SqlProcessingPoolsUser = "poolsuser" $SqlProcessingPoolsPassword = "Test12345" $SqlMarketingAutomationUser = "marketingautomationuser" $SqlMarketingAutomationPassword = "Test12345" $SqlMessagingUser = "messaginguser" $SqlMessagingPassword = "Test12345" $SqlServer = "RAMONASENIE0E1F"

$SolrCorePrefix = $Prefix $SolrUrl = "https://localhost:8983/solr" #Change to reflect the production Solr Url

$XConnectEnvironment ="Development" #For production environment use Production $XConnectLogLevel = "Information" #Use Debug for Development

>Note: There are not $SqlAdminUser and $SqlAdminPassword parameters but $SolrUrl and $SolrCorePrefix has been added.
4. Run c:\xp\xconnect-xp1-CollectionSearch.ps1. 

PS C:\xp> .\xconnect-xp1-CollectionSearch.ps1 <>

>Note: The script will take about (+/-) 11 minutes to complete execution, 
see the [xconnect-xp1-collectionsearch.log](xconnect-xp1-collectionsearch.log) file

#### Expected Result

You should be able to see a new websites created on IIS with the name $SiteName

### xDB Services Instance Installation

1. To install xDB Marketing Automation role, edit [c:\xp\xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomation.ps1](xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomation.ps1) scripts to reflect local settings. 

<# Exposed parameters for creating the xDB Marketing Automation role, so you can change it for production


$Prefix = "xp901" #This is usually the name of the site $PSScriptRoot = "c:\xp" #This is the default destination folder from the git clone, if different then update this to point to the new location. $Path = "$PSScriptRoot\config\xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomation.json"

$Package = "$PSScriptRoot\Sitecore 9.0.1 rev. 171219 (OnPrem)_xp1marketingautomation.scwdp.zip" $LicenseFile = "$PSScriptRoot\license.xml" #The Sitecore License.xml file $SiteName = "$Prefix.marketingautomation"

$SSLCert = "" #Todo: needs to be provided (applicable for production environment), if not then generated by the script (applicable for development environment). $XConnectCert = "$Prefix.xconnect_client"

<# The $Prefix, $SqlAdminUser, $SqlAdminPassword and $SqlServer needs to be changes. The rest can use the default (for development environment purposes) but for production it's recommended to be changed.


$SqlDbPrefix = $Prefix $SqlAdminUser = "sa" $SqlAdminPassword = "Test12345" $SqlServer = "RAMONASENIE0E1F" $SqlCollectionUser = "collectionuser" $SqlCollectionPassword = "Test12345" $SqlProcessingPoolsUser = "poolsuser" $SqlProcessingPoolsPassword = "Test12345" $SqlMarketingAutomationUser = "marketingautomationuser" $SqlMarketingAutomationPassword = "Test12345" $SqlMessagingUser = "messaginguser" $SqlMessagingPassword = "Test12345"

$XConnectCollectionService = "https://XConnectCollection" #Keep this default value unless you know what you're doing $XConnectReferenceDataService = "https://XConnectReferenceData" #Keep this default value unless you know what you're doing $XConnectEnvironment ="Development" #For production environment use Production $XConnectLogLevel = "Information" #Use Debug for Development

>Note: In comparison to xconnect-xp1-Collection-Search.ps1, the $SqlAdminUser, $SqlAdminPassword, XConnectCollectionService and XConnectReferenceDataService has been added to the parameters.
2. Execute c:\xp\xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomation.ps1 scripts.

PS C:\xp> .\xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomation.ps1 <>

>Note: If the script fails on the first run and you need to rerun it, perform an iisreset in the terminal.

PS C:> iisreset

>Note: The script will take about (+/-) 9 seconds to complete execution, see the [xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomation.log](xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomation.log) file.
3. To install xDB Marketing Automation Reporting role, edit the [c:\xp\xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomationReporting.ps1](xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomationReporting.ps1) scripts to reflect local settings.

<# Exposed parameters for creating the xDB Marketing Automation Reporting role, so you can change it for production


$Prefix = "xp901" #This is usually the name of the site $PSScriptRoot = "c:\xp" #This is the default destination folder from the git clone, if different then update this to point to the new location. $Path = "$PSScriptRoot\config\xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomationReporting.json"

$Package = "$PSScriptRoot\Sitecore 9.0.1 rev. 171219 (OnPrem)_xp1marketingautomationreporting.scwdp.zip" $LicenseFile = "$PSScriptRoot\license.xml" #The Sitecore License.xml file $SiteName = "$Prefix.marketingautomationreporting"

$SSLCert = "" #Todo: needs to be provided (applicable for production environment), if not then generated by the script (applicable for development environment). $XConnectCert = "$Prefix.xconnect_client"

<# The $Prefix, $SqlAdminUser, $SqlAdminPassword and $SqlServer needs to be changes. The rest can use the default (for development environment purposes) but for production it's recommended to be changed.


$SqlDbPrefix = $Prefix $SqlServer = "RAMONASENIE0E1F" $SqlReferenceDataUser = "referencedatauser" $SqlReferenceDataPassword = "Test12345" $SqlMarketingAutomationUser = "marketingautomationuser" $SqlMarketingAutomationPassword = "Test12345"

$XConnectEnvironment ="Development" #For production environment use Production $XConnectLogLevel = "Information" #Use Debug for Development

install sitecore instance

$xconnectHostName = "$Prefix.xconnect" $MarketingAutomationReportingParams = @{
Path = $Path
Package = $Package
LicenseFile = $LicenseFile SiteName = $SiteName SSLCert = $SSLCert XConnectCert = $XConnectCert SqlDbPrefix = $SqlDbPrefix
SqlServer = $SqlServer SqlReferenceDataUser = $SqlReferenceDataUser SqlReferenceDataPassword = $SqlReferenceDataPassword SqlMarketingAutomationUser = $SqlMarketingAutomationUser SqlMarketingAutomationPassword = $SqlMarketingAutomationPassword XConnectEnvironment = $XConnectEnvironment XConnectLogLevel = $XConnectLogLevel
} Write-Host @MarketingAutomationReportingParams Install-SitecoreConfiguration @MarketingAutomationReportingParams

>Note: In comparison to the xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomation.ps1 the following parameters has been removed: SqlCollectionUser, SqlCollectionPassword, SqlProcessingPoolsUser, SqlProcessingPoolsPassword, SqlMessagingUser, SqlMessagingPassword, SqlAdminUser and SqlAdminPassword.
4. Execute the c:\xp\xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomationReporting.ps1 script.

PS C:> .\c:\xp\xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomationReporting.ps1 <>

>Note: The script will take about (+/-) 6 seconds to complete execution, see the [xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomationReporting.log](xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomationReporting.log) file.

>Note: If you need to rerun the script, perform a iisreset on the terminal, see below.

PS C:>iisreset

5. To install xDB Reference Data role, edit the parameters of [c:\xp\xconnect-xp1-ReferenceData.ps1](xconnect-xp1-ReferenceData.ps1) scripts to reflect local settings.

<# Exposed parameters for creating the xDB Reference Data role, so you can change it for production


$Prefix = "xp901" #This is usually the name of the site $PSScriptRoot = "c:\xp" #This is the default destination folder from the git clone, if different then update this to point to the new location. $Path = "$PSScriptRoot\config\xconnect-xp1-ReferenceData.json"

$Package = "$PSScriptRoot\Sitecore 9.0.1 rev. 171219 (OnPrem)_xp1referencedata.scwdp.zip" $LicenseFile = "$PSScriptRoot\license.xml" #The Sitecore License.xml file $SiteName = "$Prefix.referencedata"

$SSLCert = "" #Todo: needs to be provided (applicable for production environment), if not then generated by the script (applicable for development environment). $XConnectCert = "$Prefix.xconnect_client"

<# The $Prefix, $SqlAdminUser, $SqlAdminPassword and $SqlServer needs to be changes. The rest can use the default (for development environment purposes) but for production it's recommended to be changed.


$SqlDbPrefix = $Prefix $SqlServer = "RAMONASENIE0E1F" $SqlAdminUser = "sa" $SqlAdminPassword = "Test12345" $SqlReferenceDataUser = "referencedatauser" $SqlReferenceDataPassword = "Test12345"

$XConnectEnvironment ="Development" #For production environment use Production $XConnectLogLevel = "Information" #Use Debug for Development

>Note: In comparison with xconnect-xp1-MarketingAutomationReport.ps1, they have the same set of parameters.
6. Execute the c:\xp\xconnect-xp1-ReferenceData.ps1 scripts.

PS C:> .\xconnect-xp1-ReferenceData.ps1 <>

>Note: The script will take about (+/-) 29 seconds to complete execution, see the [xconnect-xp1-ReferenceData.log](xconnect-xp1-ReferenceData.log) file.

### Reporting Instance Installation

1. To install Reporting role, edit the parameters in the [c:\xp\sitecore-xp1-Reporting.ps1](sitecore-xp1-Reporting.ps1) scripts to reflect local settings.

<# Exposed parameters for creating the Reporting Role, so you can change it for production


$Prefix = "xp901" #This is usually the name of the site $PSScriptRoot = "c:\xp" #This is the default destination folder from the git clone, if different then update this to point to the new location. $Path = "$PSScriptRoot\config\sitecore-XP1-rep.json"

$Package = "$PSScriptRoot\Sitecore 9.0.1 rev. 171219 (OnPrem)_rep.scwdp.zip" $LicenseFile = "$PSScriptRoot\license.xml" #The Sitecore License.xml file $SiteName = "$Prefix.reporting" #The website that will be created in IIS

$SSLCert = "" #Todo: needs to be provided (applicable for production environment), if not then generated by the script (applicable for development environment).

<# The $Prefix, $SqlAdminUser, $SqlAdminPassword and $SqlServer needs to be changes. The rest can use the default values (for development environment purposes) but for production it's recommended to be changed.


$SqlDbPrefix = $Prefix $SqlServer = "RAMONASENIE0E1F" $SqlAdminUser = "sa" $SqlAdminPassword = "Test12345" $SqlCoreUser = "coreuser" $SqlCorePassword = "Test12345" $SqlMasterUser = "masteruser" $SqlMasterPassword = "Test12345" $SqlWebUser = "webuser" $SqlWebPassword = "Test12345" $SqlReportingUser = "reportinguser" $SqlReportingPassword = "Test12345"

$ReportingServiceApiKey = "abcde111112222233333444445555566"

2. Execute the c:\xp\sitecore-xp1-Reporting.ps1 script.

PS C:>.\sitecore-xp1-Reporting.ps1 <>

>Note: The script will take about (+/-) 13 seconds to complete execution, see the [sitecore-XP1-rep.log](sitecore-XP1-rep.log) file.

### Processing Instance Installation

1. To install Processing role, edit the parameters in the [c:\xp\sitecore-xp1-Processing.ps1](sitecore-xp1-Processing.ps1) script.

<# Exposed parameters for creating the Processing Role, so you can change it for production


$Prefix = "xp901" #This is usually the name of the site $PSScriptRoot = "c:\xp" #This is the default destination folder from the git clone, if different then update this to point to the new location. $Path = "$PSScriptRoot\config\sitecore-XP1-prc.json"

$Package = "$PSScriptRoot\Sitecore 9.0.1 rev. 171219 (OnPrem)_prc.scwdp.zip" $LicenseFile = "$PSScriptRoot\license.xml" #The Sitecore License.xml file $SiteName = "$Prefix.processing" #The website that will be created in IIS

$SSLCert = "" #Todo: needs to be provided (applicable for production environment), if not then generated by the script (applicable for development environment). $XConnectCert = "$Prefix.xconnect_client"

<# The $Prefix, $SqlAdminUser, $SqlAdminPassword and $SqlServer needs to be changes. The rest can use the default values (for development environment purposes) but for production it's recommended to be changed.


$SqlDbPrefix = $Prefix $SqlServer = "RAMONASENIE0E1F" $SqlAdminUser = "sa" $SqlAdminPassword="Test12345" $SqlCoreUser = "coreuser" $SqlCorePassword = "Test12345" $SqlMasterUser = "masteruser" $SqlMasterPassword = "Test12345" $SqlWebUser = "webuser" $SqlWebPassword = "Test12345" $SqlReportingUser = "reportinguser" $SqlReportingPassword = "Test12345" $SqlReferenceDataUser = "referencedatauser" $SqlReferenceDataPassword = "Test12345" $SqlProcessingPoolsUser = "poolsuser" $SqlProcessingPoolsPassword = "Test12345" $SqlProcessingTasksUser = "tasksuser" $SqlProcessingTasksPassword = "Test12345"

$SolrCorePrefix = $Prefix $SolrUrl = "https://localhost:8983/solr"

$XConnectCollectionService = "https://$Prefix.xconnectcollection" $ReportingServiceApiKey = "abcde111112222233333444445555566"

2. Execute the c:\xp\sitecore-xp1-Processing.ps1 script.

PS C:>.\sitecore-xp1-Processing.ps1 <>

>Note: The script will take about (+/-) 38 seconds to complete execution, see the [sitecore-XP1-prc.log](sitecore-XP1-prc.log) file.

### Content Management Instance Installation

1. To install Content Management role, edit the parameters in the [c:\xp\sitecore-xp1-ContentManagement.ps1](sitecore-xp1-ContentManagement.ps1) scripts to reflect local settings.

<# Exposed parameters for creating the Content Management Role, so you can change it for production


$Prefix = "xp901" #This is usually the name of the site $PSScriptRoot = "c:\xp" #This is the default destination folder from the git clone, if different then update this to point to the new location. $Path = "$PSScriptRoot\config\sitecore-XP1-cm.json"

$Package = "$PSScriptRoot\Sitecore 9.0.1 rev. 171219 (OnPrem)_cm.scwdp.zip" $LicenseFile = "$PSScriptRoot\license.xml" #The Sitecore License.xml file $SiteName = "$Prefix.contentmanagement" $SitecoreAdminPassword = "b"

$SSLCert = "" #Todo: needs to be provided (applicable for production environment), if not then generated by the script (applicable for development environment). $XConnectCert = "$Prefix.xconnect_client"

<# The $Prefix, $SqlAdminUser, $SqlAdminPassword and $SqlServer needs to be changes. The rest can use the default values (for development environment purposes) but for production it's recommended to be changed.


$SqlDbPrefix = $Prefix $SqlServer = "RAMONASENIE0E1F" $SqlAdminUser = "sa" $SqlAdminPassword="Test12345" $SqlCoreUser = "coreuser" $SqlCorePassword = "Test12345" $SqlMasterUser = "masteruser" $SqlMasterPassword = "Test12345" $SqlWebUser = "webuser" $SqlWebPassword = "Test12345" $SqlReportingUser = "reportinguser" $SqlReportingPassword = "Test12345" $SqlReferenceDataUser = "referencedatauser" $SqlReferenceDataPassword = "Test12345" $SqlFormsUser = "formsuser" $SqlFormsPassword = "Test12345" $SqlExmMasterUser = "exmmasteruser" $SqlExmMasterPassword = "Test12345" $SqlMessagingUser = "messaginguser" $SqlMessagingPassword = "Test12345"

$ExmEdsProvider = "CustomSMTP"

$SolrCorePrefix = $Prefix $SolrUrl = "https://localhost:8983/solr"

$ProcessingService = "https://$Prefix.processing" $ReportingService = "https://$Prefix.reporting" $ReportingServiceApiKey = "abcde111112222233333444445555566"

$XConnectCollectionSearchService = "https://$Prefix.collectionsearch" $XConnectReferenceDataService = "https://$Prefix.referencedata"

$MarketingAutomationOperationsService = "https://$Prefix.marketingautomation" $MarketingAutomationReportingService = "https://$Prefix.marketingautomationreporting"

$EXMCryptographicKey = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" $EXMAuthenticationKey = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" $TelerikEncryptionKey = "PutYourCustomEncryptionKeyHereFrom32To256CharactersLong"

2. Execute the c:\xp\sitecore-xp1-ContentManagement.ps1 script.

PS C:>.\sitecore-xp1-ContentManagement.ps1 <>

>Note: The script will take about (+/-) 3 minute 46 seconds to complete execution, see the [sitecore-XP1-cm.log](sitecore-XP1-cm.log) file.

### Content Delivery Instance Installation

1. To install Content Delivery role, edit the parameters in [c:\xp\sitecore-xp1-ContentDelivery.ps1](sitecore-xp1-ContentDelivery.ps1) script.

<# Exposed parameters for creating the Content Delivery Role, so you can change it for production


$Prefix = "xp901" #This is usually the name of the site $PSScriptRoot = "c:\xp" #This is the default destination folder from the git clone, if different then update this to point to the new location. $Path = "$PSScriptRoot\config\sitecore-XP1-cd.json"

$Package = "$PSScriptRoot\Sitecore 9.0.1 rev. 171219 (OnPrem)_cd.scwdp.zip" $LicenseFile = "$PSScriptRoot\license.xml" #The Sitecore License.xml file $SiteName = "$Prefix.contentdelivery"

$XConnectCert = "$Prefix.xconnect_client"

<# The $Prefix, $SqlAdminUser, $SqlAdminPassword and $SqlServer needs to be changes. The rest can use the default values (for development environment purposes) but for production it's recommended to be changed.


$SqlDbPrefix = $Prefix $SqlServer = "RAMONASENIE0E1F" $SqlCoreUser = "coreuser" $SqlCorePassword = "Test12345" $SqlWebUser = "webuser" $SqlWebPassword = "Test12345" $SqlFormsUser = "formsuser" $SqlFormsPassword = "Test12345" $SqlExmMasterUser = "exmmasteruser" $SqlExmMasterPassword = "Test12345" $SqlMessagingUser = "messaginguser" $SqlMessagingPassword = "Test12345"

$SolrCorePrefix = $Prefix $SolrUrl = "https://localhost:8983/solr"

$XConnectCollectionService = "https://$Prefix.collection" $XConnectReferenceDataService = "https://$Prefix.referencedata"

$MarketingAutomationOperationsService = "https://$Prefix.marketingautomation" $MarketingAutomationReportingService = "https://$Prefix.marketingautomationreporting"

$EXMCryptographicKey = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" $EXMAuthenticationKey = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

2. Execute c:\xp\sitecore-xp1-ContentDelivery.ps1 script

PS C:>.\sitecore-xp1-ContentDelivery.ps1 <>

>Note: The script will take about (+/-) 6 seconds to complete execution, see the [sitecore-XP1-cd.log](sitecore-XP1-cd.log) file.

## Built With

* [Sitecore 9.0 Update 1](http://www.sitecore.come) - The Sitecore XP1 Scaled Platform

## Contributing

Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://gist.github.com/PurpleBooth/b24679402957c63ec426) for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

## Authors

* **Ramon Aseniero** - *Initial work* - [Sitecore](https://github.com/raseniero)

See also the list of [contributors](https://github.com/your/project/contributors) who participated in this project.

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details

## Acknowledgments

* Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
* Inspiration
* etc