rashen33 / sky-cast-v2

SkyCast is a web application designed to provide users with instant weather information for any country or city worldwide. The goal was to create a user-friendly and responsive platform for accessing weather data.
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SkyCast-v2 - A Weather Application



Table of Contents

  1. SkyCast Lookup

  2. SkyCast Contribution Guide


Skycast is a web application designed to provide users with instant weather information for any country or city worldwide. The goal was to create a user-friendly and responsive platform for accessing weather data.


Key Features


Weather Lookup empowers users to access weather data quickly and conveniently, enabling them to plan activities and make informed decisions.

Tech Stack


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SkyCast Contribution Guide

Welcome to SkyCast! We appreciate your interest in contributing to this project. Whether you're reporting issues, suggesting new features, or making code changes, your contributions help make SkyCast better for users around the world.

Reporting Issues

If you encounter a problem or find a bug in the SkyCast application, please report it to help us improve. Here's how:

  1. Visit the SkyCast GitHub page.

  2. Navigate to the "Issues" tab.

  3. Click the green "New Issue" button.

  4. Create a clear title and describe the problem you've encountered.

  5. Click "Submit new issue."

Suggesting New Features

We welcome ideas for new features that can enhance SkyCast. To suggest a new feature, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the SkyCast GitHub page.

  2. Click on the "Issues" tab.

  3. Select the green "New Issue" button.

  4. Use a title like "Feature Request: [Your Idea]."

  5. Provide a detailed explanation of your idea so others can understand it.

  6. Click "Submit new issue."

Making Code Changes

If you have coding skills and want to improve SkyCast, here's how you can contribute:

  1. Fork the project: Click the "Fork" button in the top right corner of the SkyCast GitHub page to create your copy of the project.

  2. Clone your fork: Visit your forked repository, click the "Code" button, and copy the URL. In your terminal, use git clone [paste URL] to download your copy.

  3. Create a new branch: Use git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name to create a new branch for your changes. Replace "your-feature-name" with a brief name describing your work.

  4. Make changes: Write your code and test your changes to ensure everything works as expected.

  5. Commit your changes: Save your changes with clear commit messages using git commit -m "Add your descriptive message here".

  6. Push your changes: Send your changes to your GitHub fork with git push origin feature/your-feature-name.

  7. Create a Pull Request (PR): On the SkyCast main GitHub page, click the "Pull Requests" tab. Then, click the green "New Pull Request" button. GitHub will guide you through creating a PR. Explain your changes and why they are valuable.

That's it! You've contributed to SkyCast. The project maintainers will review your contributions, and if everything looks good, your changes will be merged into the main project.

Feel free to ask for help if you need assistance or have questions. Thank you for being a part of SkyCast's development!

Happy contributing! 🌦️🌧️🌤️