rashevskyv / dbi

Author is duckbill
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UI language #332

Open Valnomien opened 5 months ago

Valnomien commented 5 months ago

I have installed different versions of the nro and have rebooted multiple times and everytime the app loads in different languages and sometimes it's different characters like wingdings or russian it is changing to different non english characters what is going on?

rashevskyv commented 5 months ago

Хто зна. Це ж тільки ви бачите. Може наснилося. Як ні, то де скріншоти або відео?

Valnomien commented 5 months ago

something happened to my system time it is set to auto and is choosing 2047 when I manually set it then DBI works again in english

Coropuchino commented 3 months ago

I recently got the same problem. It simply resolved itself by restarting the consol and launching it in applet mod... https://github.com/rashevskyv/dbi/assets/103731281/d46ada1c-f81e-4a78-9fbc-2a5571de578d

Tho I realise that it will start to change langage again by launching it in application mod and then continue to change afterward even when lauching in applet mod.

dokkoriax commented 3 months ago

Same problem, the app starts to change language every time i use it. Installed previous versions, but the problem still remains. Launched it in applet mode, or restarted the console. Nothing stops the app to keep switching languages.

xXxQuiquexXx commented 3 months ago

Хто зна. Це ж тільки ви бачите. Може наснилося. Як ні, то де скріншоти або відео?

I recently got the same problem. It simply resolved itself by restarting the consol and launching it in applet mod... https://github.com/rashevskyv/dbi/assets/103731281/d46ada1c-f81e-4a78-9fbc-2a5571de578d

Tho I realise that it will start to change langage again by launching it in application mod and then continue to change afterward even when lauching in applet mod.

I have exactly the same problem, I was going to upload photos but they already uploaded a video in which you can see the problem very well

Roy0002 commented 3 months ago

April fool's day

yukunyi commented 3 months ago

I also encountered the same problem, random language every time I start

xXxQuiquexXx commented 3 months ago

I also encountered the same problem, random language every time I start

@yukunyi April fool's day

Kane-Kuroneko commented 3 months ago

It’s not funny to do this on April 1st and it has wasted much time for us!

gataka85 commented 3 months ago

I just waisted good hour of my life trying to reinstall/install everything on one switch, because DBI was changing languages . And after i gave up, i come here to learn this was only a joke.

How many people will know its a joke and not a problem, that they will invest there time and sanity to try to fix it.

anyoneyun commented 3 months ago

It’s not funny to do this on April 1st and it has wasted much time for us!

I agree this is not funny at all.

BonerCulture commented 3 months ago

It’s not funny to do this


notPlancha commented 3 months ago

ok it's kinda funny, with that being said now I think it'd be cool to have an option to change language at will