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Unable to install any nsp #366

Open Backston32 opened 1 week ago

Backston32 commented 1 week ago


I have been experiencing this problem lately, dunno why, maybe you could tell me whats happening here and how to fix this. Thank you in advance 🙏🏻

Eatmoreapples commented 1 week ago

That should fix your problem. Take a look over here...


You are also running out of space on your SD card. Is it a real 2TB SD card by the way?

Backston32 commented 1 week ago

Thanks for response! but its not working for me anyways :(. Yes its 2TB micro SD working fine with already installed games but unable to install new ones... :( even with 200 + gb free yet

Eatmoreapples commented 1 week ago

Are you sure that you have booted correctly into the maintenance mode? As far as I know there aren't any legit 2TB micro SD cards on the market available

Backston32 commented 1 week ago

https://agi-gear.com/product/supreme-pro-tf138-microsd-v30-a2/ this is the one I got, and yeah I think I did it correctly :S

Eatmoreapples commented 1 week ago

Seems legit. Good to know that these 2TB cards are finally available now (a bit expensive). Then I don't know why you are still experiencing that error and what's causing it in the first line.

Backston32 commented 1 week ago

Super expensive, maybe im returning it… it makes no sense I think, and maybe this is tooooo big for a not too powerful machine, I dont know, but its the second time I have to redo everything with the same problem, and allways when im close to the limit…

Eatmoreapples commented 1 week ago

Since only a few people got these new 2TB cards the problem is not common and needs to be fixed maybe. I can't test it. I will get one for a decent price some day. Back in the days I ran into the same error with a 1TB card somehow. Maintenance mode fixed it for me. But I still don't know what triggered that error. I couldn't even install nsps with other installers anymore.