rasilab / adarnell_2018

scripts for analyzing data and generating figures in the paper
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Code for analysis : Darnell, Subramaniam, and O'Shea 2018

This github repository includes jupyter notebooks (and associated static HTML files) for reproducing all plots in the paper, and R scripts for sequencing data analysis, in scripts/

Table of Contents

Annotation files

The following bowtie indices / annotation files should be generated in new folders called bowtie_indices and sequence_annotation_files before running the script below. These files are not provided in the repository due to their large size, but instructions for generating them are included below.

Generating bowtie indices and annotation files

Required software

Download, unzip, and index hg38 genome annotations (hg38.fa.masked)

rsync -avzP rsync://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/bigZips/hg38.fa.masked.gz .
gunzip hg38.fa.masked.gz
samtools faidx hg38.fa.masked

Download Gencode annotations and extract unique CCDS annotations to a gff3 file (gencode.v24.canonical_ccds_transcripts.20170315.gff3)

wget ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/gencode/Gencode_human/release_24/gencode.v24.annotation.gff3.gz
gunzip gencode.v24.annotation.gff3.gz
Rscript make_unique_ccds_transcripts.R

Download mouse Gencode annotations

wget ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gencode/Gencode_mouse/release_M9/gencode.vM9.annotation.gff3.gz

Download rRNA sequences from NCBI, write to fasta, and create human rRNA bowtie index

from Bio import Entrez
from Bio import SeqIO


refseqids = {'28S' : 'NR_003287.2',
             '18S' : 'NR_003286.2',
             '5.8S' : 'NR_003285.2',
             '5S' : 'NR_023363.1',
outputlist = []
for (name,ID) in refseqids.items():
    # identify ids by searching
    rec = Entrez.read(Entrez.esearch(db="nucleotide", term=ID))
    # retrieve full record for the found id
    handle = Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide", id=rec["IdList"][0], rettype="fasta")
    output = SeqIO.read(handle, 'fasta')
    # clean up record to be minimalistic
    output.id = ID
    output.description = output.name = ''

SeqIO.write(outputlist, 'sequence_annotation_files/rrna.fa', 'fasta')
/app/bowtie/1.1.1/bowtie-build sequence_annotation_files/rrna.fa hg38.rrna

Prepare gencode transcriptome index (hg38.gencode.v24.rsem) with rsem for alignment

rsem-prepare-reference --bowtie-path /app/bowtie/1.1.1 --bowtie --gff3 sequence_annotation_files/gencode.v24.annotation.gff3 sequence_annotation_files/hg38.fa.masked bowtie

Pipeline for processing ribosome profiling sequencing data

Starting with .fastq files.

Required software

Make a directory for each sample

for SAMPLE in `ls rawdata/*.fq.gz | cut -f1 -d. | cut -f2 -d/`;
    mkdir processeddata/$SAMPLE; 
    echo $SAMPLE; 

Trim reads

for SAMPLE in `ls rawdata/*.fq.gz | cut -f1 -d. | cut -f2 -d/`; 
    cutadapt --adapter=AAAAAAAAAA --minimum-length=13 --discard-untrimmed --output processeddata/$SAMPLE/$SAMPLE.trim.fq rawdata/$SAMPLE.R1.fq.gz; 

Subtractive alignment to rRNA

for SAMPLE in `ls processeddata/*/*.trim.fq | cut -f1 -d. | cut -f2 -d/`; 
    bowtie --seedlen=23 --threads=8 --un processeddata/$SAMPLE/norrna.fq --sam bowtie_indices/hg38.rrna processeddata/$SAMPLE/$SAMPLE.trim.fq; 

Align to transcriptome

for SAMPLE in `ls processeddata/*/*.norrna.fq | cut -f1 -d. | cut -f2 -d/`; 
    rsem-calculate-expression --num-threads 8 --output-genome-bam --sort-bam-by-coordinate  processeddata/$SAMPLE/$SAMPLE.norrna.fq /n/osheafs1/LAB/alicia/bioinformatics/bowtie_indices/genome_rsem/hg38.gencode.v24.rsem/bowtie processeddata/$SAMPLE/gencode; 

Calculate codon-specific ribosome density

for SAMPLE in `ls processeddata/*/*norrna* | cut -f1 -d. | cut -f2 -d/`; 
    Rscript scripts/calculate_codon_ribo_density_150overhang_20170807.R $SAMPLE; echo $SAMPLE; 

Run R script to calculate gene fold changes

for SAMPLE in `ls processeddata/*/*norrna* | cut -f1 -d. | cut -f2 -d/`; 
    Rscript scripts/calculate_gene_fold_change_20170615.R $SAMPLE; echo $SAMPLE; 