raspberrypi / pico-vscode

The official VS Code extension for Raspberry Pi Pico development. It includes several features to simplify project creation and deployment.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Raspberry Pi Pico Visual Studio Code extension

NOTE: The extension is still under development.

This is the official Visual Studio Code extension for Raspberry Pi Pico development. It provides a set of tools to help you get started with development for the Pico boards using Visual Studio Code and the official Pico SDK.

This extension is documented in section 7.2 of the Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico PDF

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Requirements by OS

Supported Platforms: Windows x64, macOS (Sonoma and newer only), Linux x64 and arm64


All requirements for macOS can be installed by running xcode-select --install from Terminal

Raspberry Pi OS

As of March 2024, all new Raspberry Pi OS images come with the requirements pre-installed. On older images the requirements can be installed by running sudo apt install openocd ninja-build


Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

Known Issues

GitHub API Rate Limit ("Error while retrieving SDK and toolchain versions")

If the extension fails to get available Pico SDK versions, it might be because of the GitHub API rate limit. You can create a personal access token (classic) with the public_repo scope and set it in the global ("User" not "Workspace") extension settings to increase the rate limit.