rasto / lcmc

Pacemaker/DRBD/KVM/LVM Cluster GUI
102 stars 21 forks source link

Linux Cluster Management Console (LCMC) http://lcmc.sf.net

LCMC is a Java GUI application that configures, manages and visualizes Linux clusters. Specifically it helps administrators to create and manage clusters that use one or more of these components: Pacemaker, Corosync, Heartbeat, DRBD, KVM, XEN and LVM.

installation from source

to compile and run type: mvn package

you may need to install these packages: libxalan2-java, libjava3d-java and provide jai_core.jar in build-lib/ directory

installation on Debian/Ubuntu etc.

download .deb package and install it with dpkg -i lcmc-....deb, type "lcmc" to run it, or run it from menu.

installation on Redhat/Fedora/Suse etc.

rpm -Uvh lcmc-*.rpm type "lcmc" to run it, or run it from menu.

sudoers file

for sudo you would need at least this commands in the sudoers file:

rasto ALL=SETENV: /usr/local/bin/lcmc-gui-helper-*, /sbin/drbdadm, /usr/sbin/cibadmin, /usr/sbin/crm_resource, /usr/sbin/crm_attribute, /usr/sbin/ptest, /usr/sbin/crm_simulate, /usr/sbin/crm_mon, /usr/sbin/crm, /usr/sbin/crm_verify, /usr/sbin/corosync-cfgtool, /usr/sbin/corosync-quorumtool, /usr/bin/cl_status

Some things like creating of VM and DRBD config files wouldn't work unless you allow the "bash" command. A user may not be able to see log files in the GUI if he doesn't have permissions to read them.


Rasto Levrinc