rasundsbak / zoterokurs

Repository for the new zotero course
2 stars 1 forks source link

Zotero pilot project

Url for the Zoterocourse: https://rasundsbak.github.io/zoterokurs/ If you want to contribute, feel free to create an issue or send an email to one of the developers.

  1. short description
    1. information how to contribute (can be a link to CONTRIBUTING.md)
    2. link to rendered version of the lesson
    3. authors (also in the AUTHORS.md file)
    4. list of current maintainers (with link to their GH profile)
    5. information about how to contact the team
    6. short description of the license, link to the license
    7. citation information, ideally with the DOI (could also be in CITATION.cff https://citation-file-format.github.io/. Example of the repository with .cff file https://github.com/iomega/spec2vec)

This lesson is a template lesson that uses The Carpentries Workbench.

To get started using this template, visit https://github.com/carpentries/workbench-template-md/generate and follow the instructions.

If you have any questions, contact @zkamvar