rattboi / mopidy-subsonic

Mopidy backend extension for playing music from Subsonic Music Streamer
MIT License
17 stars 14 forks source link


NOTE: This project is now unmaintained!

It looks like loldaves fork <https://github.com/loldaves/mopidy-subsonic>_ is a lot more maintained. I'd go check that out.

Or even better, try this separate plugin: Prior99/mopidy-subidy <https://github.com/Prior99/mopidy-subidy>_

.. image:: https://pypip.in/v/Mopidy-Subsonic/badge.png :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Mopidy-Subsonic/ :alt: Latest PyPI version

.. image:: https://pypip.in/d/Mopidy-Subsonic/badge.png :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Mopidy-Subsonic/ :alt: Number of PyPI downloads

Mopidy <http://www.mopidy.com/> extension for playing music from Subsonic <http://www.subsonic.org/>.


Install by running::

sudo pip install mopidy-subsonic

Or, if available, install the Debian/Ubuntu package from apt.mopidy.com <http://apt.mopidy.com/>_.


Before starting Mopidy, you must tell it where to find Subsonic by adding the following to your Mopidy configuration::

hostname = some.website.com (leave off http/https)
port = 8888
username = USER
password = PASS
ssl = (yes/no)
context = my-subsonic (if your subsonic is accessible on http://some.website.com:8888/my-subsonic/index.view)

Searches in Mopidy will now return results from your Subsonic library.

Project resources



v0.3.1 (2014-01-28)

v0.3 (2014-01-19)

v0.2 (2013-11-13)

v0.1 (2013-08-29)