raulcano / bitcoinminds

MIT License
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Bitcoin Minds | World's largest database of Bitcoin resources

The purpose of BitcoinMinds.org is to store:


Installing the User Interface

Go to a folder of your choice and clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/raulcano/bitcoinminds.git

CD into the folder bitcoinminds-ui and install the packages:

npm install

Once the install is finished, start the server and visit in your browser the enabled local URL:

npm run serve


CSV file format

The following fields and formats are the ones to be used in the file. The first row of the CSV file will be the name of the column (each field).


A unique incremental integer acting as the primary key


A string of the format YYYY-MM-DD representing the creation date of the resource. E.g. when an article was written.


A string of the format YYYY-MM-DD representing the date of when this particular resource was added to the CSV file.


A string with the title of the resource.


One of the following values:


A valid URL to the resource.


A two-letter code of the language in which this resource is presented. If one resource (e.g. one article) is translated to several languages, this must be included in the file with one line per language.


The name of the author(s). It can be empty if its unknown. If there are multiple authors, they shall be separated by a comma.


A comma separated list of keywords reflecting the main topics discussed in the resource. Some suggested keywords are:


A long text describing the content that is presented. E.g. the summary of a book.


Other metadata in the form of a JSON dictionary, that is, containig a set of key-value pairs (NOTE: At the moment of writing this, there is no functionality for this field).
For example:

{ key1: "value1", key2: "value2" }


The name of an image file that must be stored in public/latest. The image will be shown for the corresponding resource in the pages "Latest" and "Selected Collections"


An integer from 1 to 3, so the item is included in the "Selected Collections", as follows.
If it's empty, it wont be included in any collection.
If you want to include the item in more than one collection, you can add more than one integer separated by a comma.
The integers correspond to these collections:
