This project houses a chatbot built with the Open Source Rasa software in its version 3.1.1
The objective of this bot is to provide both establishments dedicated to hospitality and potential customers with a means to facilitate and speed up the reservation process in the establishment.
In this repository you will find the necessary code to train the chatbot as well as tools to deploy it on a local device, both directly and through Docker containers, as well as automated scripts to deploy on Google Compute Engine.
The branches of this repository are structured as follows:
As an example of functionality, the development process would be as follows for a final version 5.5.3:
The tags contain a specific and final version of the development, it is highly recommended to use the last tag created.
The releases contain a changelog regarding the immediately lower version in addition to containing the source code of said version.
This project has been and is being developed under the license GNU General Public License v3.0.