rauno56 / climbing-card-check

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Climbing Card Checker

git clone git@github.com:rauno56/climbing-card-check.git
npm ci


Both env vars are required:


Once your environment is set up you can run it locally or deploy to Vercel. There's abundance of documentation online for latter. Following has some simplifying steps specific to this app.

Local environment

Once .env file is set up, run it locally with npm start.

Deploying to Vercel

Add the two environment vars to Vercel via the UI. And deploy the app with:

npx vercel

Creating credentials for Google Sheets API

In Google API Console:

  1. Enable Google Sheets API;
  2. Under "Credentials" click "Create Credentials" to create a Service Account - no optional permissions or role required;
  3. Under "Keys" of that service account create a new JSON key;
  4. Download the key file to ./key.json of this folder;
  5. To get the base64 encoding of that file run node scripts/key.to.env.cjs and store that to your .env file;
  6. Share the Sheet with the client_email of that key. You'll find that in the key file and it should look something like service-account-name@youruser.iam.gserviceaccount.com.