ravenloue / MammothInteractiveFlappyBirdClone

Super simple JavaScript 'Flappy Bird' clone
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Very simple Flappy bird clone from a tutorial by Mammoth Interactive

Table of Contents


This is a pretty simple Flappy Bird clone made in JavaScript that only has the most basic collison detection. This is based on the tutorial by Mammoth Interactive, but I added comments so that I can come back to this and make updates later.

Planned improvements include:

The idea


FlappyBirdClone Link to active deployment

My process

Built with

What I learned

Many thanks to Mammoth Interactive for their tutorial for this process. This was a good, simple tutorial for introducing the HTML 5 canvas and learning some of its basic functionality. The tutorial uses an array of randomly generated rectangle obstacles and updates their position at a set interval. Once they reach the end, they respawn on the other side of the canvas.

Continued development

Useful resources
