ravenloue / simple_bank_web

Simple mock banking page
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Simple Bank

A simple PHP-based mock banking website based on a previous project that was developed in Java and JavaFX.

Table of contents


The Idea

The original inspiration for the project was based on a similar project from the Java project list from Comp Sci Central; however, the original idea was limited to the console alone. I wanted to take things a step further and create a simple UI and implement a database connection to practice various basic concepts. I soon found that it would be rather difficult to demonstrate the actions and looked for an alternative delivery mode. Thus, this project was born.

The website utilizes object oriented PHP and a modular structure, similar to React, to perform a variety of CRUD-based operations for the user.


x | x | x

My process

Built with

What I learned

[ to be updated ]


[ need to gather timeline details ]

Continued development

[ to be updated upon completion ]

Useful resources
