rawnet / rawnet-admin

An inheritable admin interface for Ruby on Rails apps
MIT License
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An inheritable, customisable admin interface for Ruby on Rails


Add RawnetAdmin to your gemfile

gem 'rawnet_admin', git: 'git@github.com:rawnet/rawnet-admin.git', branch: 'master'

And then bundle..

bundle install

Additional Modules


Froala WYSIWYG integration

Basic Usage


RawnetAdmin provides a method to mount the engine, and inject any additional routes you need. Just add the following to your routes.rb file

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  # your other routes..

  RawnetAdmin.mount(self) do
    resources :users, only: [:index, :edit, :update]
    # any other custom routes



The ResourceController provides a base for resourceful controllers, and supplies a template for the usual resource methods and CRUD actions.

To create a users controller, create a new controller at app/controllers/rawnet_admin/users_controller.rb and inherit from RawnetAdmin::ResourceController

module RawnetAdmin
  class UsersController < ResourceController

In general, controllers utilise the methods and options defined by InheritedResources


Application views

The application views (and layout) can be overriden as needed. Many of these views, such as application/_main_navigation.html.erb, will need to be overriden to customise the navigation, logo etc.

Resource views

You can override any of the resource views used by the gem, on a global or per-resource basis.

To override any views for the users resource specifically, create a folder at app/views/rawnet_admin/users

To override any views for all resources, create a folder at app/views/rawnet_admin/resource

The only view you need to create for a resourceful controller is _form.html.erb, as no form view is provided by default.


To configure RawnetAdmin, create an initializer at app/config/initializers/rawnet_admin.rb and enter the following;

RawnetAdmin.configure do |config|
  config.site_name = "Rawnet Admin"
  config.user_method = :current_user
  config.authenticate_method = :authenticate_admin!
  config.parent_controller = '::ApplicationController'
  config.stylesheets << 'rawnet_admin/user-stylesheet'
  config.javascripts << 'rawnet_admin/user-javascript'