raymyers / toc-lang

Text-based notation for Theory of Constraints diagrams
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Generate Theory of Constraints diagrams from text-based notation.

Currently experimental, feedback welcome!


Available on GitHub pages at raymyers.github.io/toc-lang.


Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone git@github.com:raymyers/toc-lang.git
  cd toc-lang

Install dependencies (Tested with NodeJS v14)

  npm install

Start the server

  npm run dev

Visit in a web browser.


Begin by opening an issue or join the discussion on an existing one.


👤 Ray Myers


Where can I learn about Theory of Constraints?

If you're asking that question, this project has done its job!

How do this project's goals compare with Flying Logic?

Flying Logic is the most advanced tool available for TOC Thinking Process diagramming, and we don't aim to change that. As concurrently conceived, our differentiators are:

Entry level: If you are collaborating with people new to TOC, it's unlikely they will buy a proprietary tool to get started. A free online solution for simple use cases will help introduce them.

Textual representation: A text format enables version control, generating multiple output formats, and potentially correlating multiple diagrams together as in Logical Thinking Process.