raynamharris / FMR1CA1rnaseq

To better understand the effects silencing the Fmr1 gene, we conducted an integrative analysis of avoidance, cognitive discrimination, and hippocampal gene expression WT and FMR1-KO mice.
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Repository organization and workflow

  1. UNIXworkflow - runs on The Texas Advanced Computing Center's (TACC) cluster 'Stampede'

  2. data - mostly raw data and meta data, some results included

  3. docs - my talk for the R-Ladies Buenos Aires group

  4. scripts

    • 00_cpfiles.sh - a bash script for copying files into and out of this repo
    • 01_behavior.md - output of a knittable analysis script for wrangling the avoidance behavior data. The output is use for the Fig*.Rmd scripts that accompany each figure
      • Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - Because I had so many behavior figures and accompanying statistics, I created a Rmd script containing the code to make the figure and calculate the statistics. The data were generated in 01_behavior.Rmd.
    • 02_RNAseq.md - output of an knittable analysis of differential gene expression of RNA-seq data with DESeq2, GO-WMU, and WGCNA
    • 03_wgcna.R - R script for weighted gene co-expression network analysis
    • 04_ephys.Rmd - analysis of hippocampal electrophysiology to measure synaptic properties -- note: must be run from the R command line as knitting doesn't currently work well
    • 05_Ceolin.md - a replication of a recently published paper and a comparison to my own data
    • 06_GO_MWU - directory with data, code, and results for Gene Ontology analysis
  5. results

    • In the R script accompanying this file, 08_results.md, I write the results section for my manuscript.
    • This document is an executable way for me to keep the results section under version control and with newest version of the figure.
    • I alternate between exporting the result to a md_document and a word_document for writing my thesis

Data availability

The forthcoming manuscript

This research has been written up as a chapter of my doctoral thesis called "Reproducible approaches for studying behavior and transcription in a mouse model for autism". It will be modified before submitting to a jounral for peer review and publishing. Stayed tuned for citation details and links. The current draft can be found here: https://raynamharris.github.io/Thesis/02_fmr1.
