raytroop / YOLOv3_tf

Try to implement YOLOv3 with TensorFlow
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Try to implement YOLOv3 with TensorFlow

  1. transform darknet weight into npz: save_npz.py
  2. darknet 52 conv layer: darknet53_trainable.py
  3. yolo layer(loss & predict): yolo_layer.py

train (train_net.py)

1. for now, only train detector layer(50 epoch, batch size: 8)
2. froze feature extractor('darknet53.conv.74')
3. TODO: finetune end2end

traindata: VOC2007 trainval & VOC2012 trainval

sample prediction (predict_net.py)

trained weights

1. TensorFlow 1.*
2. easydict
3. PIL
4. numpy
5. matplotlib