rayvburn / tiago_social_robot

Package that runs TiAGO robot system's common components to execute custom scenarios
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Packages for social navigation based on TIAGo robot.


Run HuBeRo example with sourced TIAGo packages (to spawn the robot in simulation):

Start Gazebo simulation:

cd ~/ros_workspace/ws_social_navigation
source /usr/share/gazebo-9/setup.sh && source ../ws_tiago/devel/setup.bash && source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch hubero_bringup_gazebo_ros example.launch world:=living_room rviz:=false

Spawn TIAGo robot:

cd ~/ros_workspace/ws_social_navigation
source ../ws_tiago/devel/setup.bash && source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch tiago_social_bringup gazebo_spawn.launch

Run navigation modules for TIAGo:

cd ~/ros_workspace/ws_social_navigation
source ../ws_tiago/devel/setup.bash && source devel/setup.bash

Alternatively, navigation modules can be ran using this command (will also open special rviz config provided by PAL):

roslaunch tiago_social_navigation gazebo_nav_tiago.launch map:=none

Custom rviz config:

rviz -d $(rospack find tiago_social_navigation)/rviz/tiago_navigation.rviz

NOTE: tiago_social_navigation/gazebo_nav_tiago.launch can only be used for localization.


First install dependencies of NKU-MobFly-Robotics/local-planning-benchmark:

sudo apt install libceres-dev


Frame names

This package does not fully overhaul PAL's launch ecosystem but only modifies some parts to make it usable with external maps, to allow easier override of parameters. User must beware of frame names as these are hard-coded in multiple places. Generally, frames should not be touched and valid setup consists of such frame names:

Stuck at AMCL launch

If you're stuck on AMCL launched to this stage:

[ INFO] [1646218893.974936024]: Done initializing likelihood field model.

then start with a system reset. At the next startup you'll probably see this kind of output:

[ INFO] [1646219077.821685430, 29.811000000]: Initializing likelihood field model; this can take some time on large maps...
[ INFO] [1646219078.428821750, 29.837000000]: Done initializing likelihood field model.
[ERROR] [1646219079.735113000, 30.112000000]: Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 30.095000000 but the earliest data is at time 30.107000000, when looking up transform from frame [base_footprint] to frame [map]
[ WARN] [1646219079.756207959, 30.117000000]: global_costmap: Pre-Hydro parameter "map_type" unused since "plugins" is provided
[ INFO] [1646219079.758755195, 30.117000000]: global_costmap: Using plugin "static_layer"
[ INFO] [1646219079.776424438, 30.121000000]: Requesting the map...
[ INFO] [1646219080.307251280, 30.221000000]: Resizing costmap to 712 X 650 at 0.020000 m/pix
[ INFO] [1646219081.883263635, 30.321000000]: Received a 712 X 650 map at 0.020000 m/pix
[ INFO] [1646219081.892391411, 30.323000000]: global_costmap: Using plugin "obstacle_laser_layer"
[ INFO] [1646219081.903287792, 30.324000000]:     Subscribed to Topics: base_scan

This mostly happens once robot is spawned along with navigation modules and then navigation modules are killed and then started again.

Chaining multiple ROS workspaces

Assuming that you have workspaces designated for:

you have to compile workspaces in that order:

That's it. Reference.