rayzon1 / tmdb_webflix_entertainment_v1

New version of Weblix entertainment site.
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Live: https://webflixentertainment.netlify.com/#/home 🍿

WebFlix Entertainment.

This is my personal project using React, JavaScript, Redux, and CSS. I have created a movie/tv entertainment news and trailer site, complete with sign-in and sign-out features.

Objectives. :mega: :star:

This project was an attempt to practice new technologies recently learned such as Redux + hooks, react-router, and native JavaScript functionality such as local storage to create a demo sign-in feature.

This SPA routes between four different pages: home, movie search, tv show search, and about. I wanted to keep the site simple to hit my MVP in a reasonable time while getting a good amount of practice in with new tech learned.

Home-screen Demo

Home screen has all the main content for this page. Here it will have popular, top-rated movies and shows to preview trailers and view descriptions, ratings.

Home screen demo

Poster-slider Demo

The main content will be the movies and shows showcased within the posterslider bars on the home page. The goal for this component was to create unique content using the tmdb api for top-rated and popular categories and showcase these using a pure CSS made Netflix style content bar. Each movie or tv-show selected will drop down showing information including review scores from imdb, rt, and MetaCritic.


What I learned

For every new project I tackle on my own, I always try to use new technologies or use something I haven't used yet. For this project I wanted to use and learn Redux, even though it wasn't totally needed here. This has given me the experience and practice in building a Redux store and using global state between components. I have been able to practice working with external API's and creating an excellent front-end based on the API.