raz0red / wiirtual-boy

Wiirtual Boy is a port of the Mednafen Virtual Boy emulator to the Wii. (No longer maintained, a much improved version of the Wii Virtual Boy emulator is part of the wii-mednafen project)
6 stars 1 forks source link

WiirtualBoy v0.1 release README

Ported by raz0red and Arikado

[http://www.twitchasylum.com] [http://arikadosblog.blogspot.com/]


WiirtualBoy is a Wii port of the Mednafen Virtual Boy Emulator [http://mednafen.sourceforge.net/].


To install WiirtualBoy, simply extract the zip file directly to your SD card or USB device (retain the hierarchical structure exactly).

Cartridge images must be placed in the roms directory (/wiivb/roms).

Known Issues

Cartridge Database

WiirtualBoy ships with a database that contains recommended settings for most commercial cartridges. These settings cover control mappings, display settings including frame skipping, etc.

To view/edit the settings applied for a particular cartridge perform the following steps:

Cartridge Compatibility

The WiirtualBoy Cartridge Compatibility page lists each game that has been tested along with its associated hash values (one for the full file, one that excludes the header information).


Enable the "Debug mode" option within the "Advanced" menu to view the hash (excluding header information) when a cartridge is playing.


The following section contains the "default" control mappings for WiirtualBoy.

It is important to note that if the cartridge that is being loaded exists in the Cartridge Database it may contain non-default mappings.

WiirtualBoy menu:


  Left/Right  : Scroll (if sideways orientation)
  Up/Down     : Scroll (if upright orientation)
  A/2         : Select 
  B/1         : Back
  Home        : Exit to Homebrew Channel
  Power       : Power off

Classic controller/Pro:

  Up/Down     : Scroll
  A           : Select 
  B           : Back
  Home        : Exit to Homebrew Channel

Nunchuk controller:

  Up/Down     : Scroll
  C           : Select 
  Z           : Back

GameCube controller:

  Up/Down     : Scroll
  A           : Select 
  B           : Back
  Z           : Exit to Homebrew Channel

In-game (Defaults):


  D-pad          : Left control pad
  2              : A button
  1              : B button
  A              : R button
  B              : L button
  +              : Start
  -              : Select
  Home           : Display WiirtualBoy menu (see above)

Wiimote + Nunchuk:

  D-pad          : Right control pad
  Analog         : Left control pad
  A              : A button
  B              : R button
  C              : B button
  Z              : L button
  +              : Start
  -              : Select      
  Home           : Display WiirtualBoy menu (see above)

Classic controller/Pro:

  D-pad          : Left control pad
  Left analog    : Left control pad
  Right analog   : Right control pad
  A              : A button
  B              : B button
  R/zR           : R button
  L/zL           : L button
  +              : Start
  -              : Select
  Home           : Display WiirtualBoy menu (see above)

GameCube controller:

  D-pad          : Left control pad
  Left analog    : Left control pad
  Right analog   : Right control pad
  A              : A button
  B              : B button
  R              : R button
  L              : L button
  Start          : Start
  X/Y            : Select
  Z              : Display WiirtualBoy menu (see above)

WiirtualBoy crashes, code dumps, etc.

If you are having issues with WiirtualBoy, please let us know about it via one of the following locations:

[http://www.wiibrew.org/wiki/Talk:WiirtualBoy] [http://www.twitchasylum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1253]

Special Thanks

Change Log

06/23/11 (0.1)

06/13/11 (0.0)