This is only possible thanks to martinl / mlp! He put days of work into this and does not even own a nissan.
You need to ssh into your device. Instructions on how to do that can be found here:
Once connected execute the following commands:
# c3 users -> sudo killall tmux
killall tmux
cd /data
mv openpilot/ openpilot_comma/
# c3 users -> replace release2 with release3
# testing branch -> nissan-fpv2-0.8.9-testing-release2
git clone --single-branch --branch nissan-fpv2-0.8.9-release2
Follow the fingerprinting guide V2 till step 3:
Next please open an issue and copy the results of step 3 into the issue. We will need this to create a pull request with as many V2 fingerprints as possible. Also this will help to tackle possible issues early, before the pull request to the comma repository gets upstreamed.
killall tmux && tmux new-session 'selfdrive/boardd/boardd' \; new-window 'selfdrive/car/ --scan'
This will give us debug information regarding the firmware. Please add these contents to the github issue aswell.
You can just enter reboot
when finished.
You won't need to do anything besides opening the issue. We will add your fingerprint and inform you when it is ready. Please subscribe to the github issue so that you will get updates!
You can edit ./selfdrive/car/nissan/ and copy the results to the FW_VERSIONS section. Once rebooted your car will hopefully get recognized. Please open an issue anyway, to help us get your fingerprint into the next release.
Connect to your comma via ssh and execute the following commands:
killall tmux
cd /data
rm -R openpilot
mv openpilot_comma/ openpilot/