razroo / codemorph

Codemorph is an extensible, easy to understand, easy to contribute to, easy to use Codemod library. Codemorph is platform agnostic.
MIT License
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Codemorph is an extensible, easy-to-understand, easy-to-contribute, easy-to-use Codemod library. Codemorph is platform agnostic and supports all programming languages.

Important Note ⚠️

Being that Codemorph makes use of many system-based code modifiers, even though this library is built using ESM, we find that it affects the initial bundle size for FE application.

We highly recommend using this in either system applications or backend applications. However, FE applications using this library will experience optimization bailouts. It is therefore not recommended that this library is used with production-grade FE applications.

Pass a star to your codemorph

How to Install Codemorph

npm install @codemorph/core --save

How to Use Codemorph

morphCode - Modify string

The morphCode command will take in a string, modify it based on:

  1. fileType - e.g. ts, html,
  2. array of edit objects specified in the edits key
// lets assume we are updating a ts file
import { EditInput, morphCode } from '@codemorph/core';

// Codemorph works against strings and not files
// done intentionally so can work on any platform(e.g. web, code editor, etc.)
const fileToBeAddedTo = readFileSync('libs/src/sample-name/sample-name.component.ts').toString();

const editInput: EditInput = {
  fileType: 'ts',
  fileName: 'sample-name.component.ts',
  fileToBeAddedTo: fileToBeAddedTo,
  edits: [{
    nodeType: 'addFunction',
    name: 'generateAngularComponent',
    type: 'string',
    isExported: true,
    parameters: [{name: 'test', type: 'string'}],
    codeBlock: `console.log('hello world ' + test)`    
const sampleNameComponentModfified = morphCode(editInput);
// this string is now modified. We will write modified string back to initial location
const fileToBeAddedTo = writeFileSync('libs/src/sample-name/sample-name.component.ts', sampleNameComponentModfified);
// file will now have modified code

effects - Code modifications that happen as a side effect of xyz

The effects function is the other side of the coin with regards to the codeMorph library.

Whereas the morphCode function mentioned above will edit a file, the effects function is meant to be used alongside creating a new file for the first time/when generating a new code feature. For instance, if you were creating a new Angular componnet, you would use the effect for angular component.

import { effects, TemplateInputParameter } from '@codemorph/core';

// user-card is a sample component folder/file name
const fullPathOfFile = 'libs/src/user-card/user-card.component.ts';
const filePathParameter: TemplateInputParameter = {
  name: 'nameFilePath',
  description: 'this isnt used by effect but can be used to bake documentation into codemod',
  // {name} curly brace here so name can be dynamic. Will use name parameter below
  defaultValue: 'libs/src/user-card/{name}',
  paramType: 'directive'
const coreProgrammingLanguage = 'angular';
// used to override <%= name %> inside of file. By default razroo uses name
// however parameters could be anything so can extend effects to however would like
const parameters = [{
  name: 'name',
  description: 'name for the user-card component',
  defaultValue: 'user-card'

effects(fullPathOfFile, filePathParameter, coreProgrammingLanguage, parameters);
// will automatically edit files (no need for readFileSync or writeFileSync)

Now our effects knows based on above:

  1. Starting point of effect based on file supplied (fullPathOfFile)
  2. The type of effect we would like to do:
    • filePathParameter - Has the paramType of directive
    • coreProgrammingLanguage - angular (i.e. angular directive)
  3. What dynamic values we would like in our effects(here it is name which is user-card)

In this instance, while different for each, it means that when we generate code for an Angular Directive, the Codemorph effects function will automatically export the directive in the closest index.ts file.

Notes Regarding Razroo Effects Architecture

Currently OS level only

Due to the nature of how effects work i.e. the need to take the entire file system into account effects currently only work on the OS level. There are efforts from our side to make effects work on web and we hope to that feature available sooner than later.

We use a single file path to determine effects feature location

Here is why:

  1. Effects should be feature based and therefore bite sized.
  2. We wanted effects to recognize the primary file of file(s) being generated. Therefore we believe using the filePath as a key for where the entire feature is located makes sense. (allows it to be extensible based on library/convention being used)

Novelty behind Codemorph library

Easy To Understand

What the Codemorph library does that is unique, is that it creates a unified interface across different programming languages. It uses a simple object to make modifications. e.g.


  "import": '{ NgModule }',
  "path": '@angular/core'


  "import": '',
  "path": 'libs/common/styles/razroo-styles.scss'

So your engineers can understand how it works for one programming language and use the same syntax for a different programming language.

Easy To Contribute

Codemorph uses a tree of switch case statements to determine type of codemod to use. Simply specify programming language e.g. angular and fileType e.g. .ts and Codemod will take care of the rest.


If you want to add your own custom codemods, or add your own, you can simply plug and play to the Razroo codemod library.

Benefits of such

  1. This will be consumer facing. By allowing a singular object, we can simplify the frontend shown to users in the content management system.
  2. Developers don't have to dig into specifics for each programming language. They can simply keep an eye on the top level interface.
  3. Apis of different codemod libraries can be unified under a singular interface

Further reading via Razroo blog(soon to be it's own documentation site)


APIS Available


  1. import
  2. editImport
  3. classDeclaration
  4. classMethod
  5. addNgModuleImport
  6. addNgModuleProvider
  7. addNgModuleImportToSpec
  8. addToVariableObject
  9. addConstructorMethod
    nodeType: 'addConstructorMethod',
    codeBlock: 'userService',
    type: 'UserService'
  10. addVariableDeclarationStatement
    nodeType: 'addVariableDeclarationStatement',
    codeBlock: 'gtag',
    type: 'Function'


  1. editJson
  2. addJsonKeyValue


  1. addScssBlock
  2. import

Angular HTML + HTML

  1. editHtmlTag
    "nodeType": "editHtmlTag",
    "codeBlock": "matSort",
    "tagNameToModify": "mat-table"
  2. addSiblingHtml
    "nodeType": "addSiblingHtml",
    "codeBlock": "<script async src=\"https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-YOUR-GOOGLE-ID\"></script>",
    "tagNameToInsert": "script",
    "siblingTagName": "link"
  3. insertIntoHtmlTag
    "nodeType": "insertIntoHtmlTag",
    "codeBlock": "<div class=\"Toolbar__Icons\"><fa-icon [icon]=\"faBell\" aria-hidden=\"false\" aria-label=\"Notification Icon\"></fa-icon> <fa-icon [icon]=\"faQuestionCircle\" aria-hidden=\"false\" aria-label=\"Question Icon\"></fa-icon> <fa-icon [icon]=\"faUserCircle\" aria-hidden=\"false\" aria-label=\"Account Icon\"></fa-icon></div>",
    "tagNameToInsertInto": "mat-toolbar"