rbals0445 / OSS_FinalProject

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Open Source Software Practice - Team4

Topic : SKKU Meal

김지수 한규민 김민수
Student ID 2017310683 2018315526 2020312552
Github ID 7zxu rbals0445 miNsu01
E-mail jisu7935@g.skku.edu rbals0445@naver.com kms78900@naver.com


link to screenshot.md

Demo video link

link to demo video

How to use

# For security reasons, the DB file does not exist.
# So you can not execute some pages ( ex : category, login ..)
# If you want to see the demonstration, please refer to the demo video.

$ git clone https://github.com/rbals0445/OSS_FinalProject.git
# install express framework
$ npm install express --save
# Move to MyPage
$ cd /Mypage
# Server Start
$ npm start
In chrome web browser

Development History

link to history.md

Meeting Minutes

link to meeting.md

link to meetingScreenshot