rbccps-iisc / ideam

City Data Exchange & Analytics Stack (CDEAS) for Smart Cities
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================================================================= City Data Exchange & Analytics Middleware (CDX) for Smart Cities

.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/rbccps-iisc/ideam.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/rbccps-iisc/ideam


.. image:: hourglass.png

.. image:: ms_arch.png


Getting Started

This guide will help you to quickly get started with a single node instance of CDX and start publishing data from a device.

. Install Docker ::

sudo apt-get install docker.io

. Add permission to user ::

sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER

. Logout and log back in.

. Run ifconfig and note down the name of the interface you're connected to.

.. image:: ifconfig.png
   :width: 550px
   :align: center
   :height: 250px
   :alt: alternate textI

In the above example the interface name is enp9s0

. Now run::

sudo nmcli device show enp9s0

Replace enp9s0 with your respective interface name. The output should be something like this

.. image:: nmcli.png :width: 700px :align: center :height: 175px :alt: alternate textI

Note down the DNS from IP4.DNS section

. Add DNS obtained in the previous step to the file /etc/docker/daemon.json If the file does not exist, create it. The entry should look something like this ::

{"dns": ["", ""]}

Add the obtained DNS to the above JSON array. So the final entry should look something like this::

{"dns": ["","",""]}

Of course, the DNS would change according to your network.

. Add DNS in /etc/default/docker file as follows::

DOCKER_OPTS="--dns --dns --dns"

. Restart Docker ::

service docker restart

CDX Installation

. Clone CDX git repo ::

git clone https://github.com/rbccps-iisc/ideam.git

CDX repository comes with a default configuration file ideam.conf::

https = 8443

http = 12080
management = 12081
amqp = 12082
mqtt = 12083

kibana = 13081

http = 14080

ldap = 15389

http = 16080

http = 17080

rtmp = 18935
hls = 18080
http = 18088

ldap = ? 
broker = ? 
cdx.admin = ? 
database = ?

This file contains details about the ports used by different microservices. It also allows the user to configure passwords that should be used for certain services during installation. By default, the password fields in the config file is set to ?, which indicates that the system will generate random passwords during runtime.

. Install CDX ::

cd ideam/

Registering your first device

Publishing from your device

For detailed guides and resources visit https://cdx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/