Things we would Like obs_generic to do, but are hard with current packages:
Read in images with arbitrary footprint (within limits, but NXM basically)
Deal with the lack of astrometry and photometry references (i.e. deal with a missing WCS, arbitrary zeropoint, no HDU/CCD keyword)
Perform psf mapping(?), source detection, deblending, shape measurement as if the sim is a coadd, but without having to go through multiband (at the moment we pretend identical instances are different filters).
Notes to selves: as process, using obs_file is preferable. We might get away with not having any stack/multiband, and getting the shapes out of something like processCCD?
Read in pixel-level corrected images (i.e. bias, flats, non-linearity, cross-talk, BFE have been corrected already)
Perform psf mapping(?), coaddition (possibly handling different coadds for depth/shape stability?)
Perform source detection, deblending, shape measurement, forced photometry, masking
Determine the starflat from reference catalog + dithers; write out the starflat as a fits image
Do joint astrometry across multiple bands
Run multi-band processing on coadds from images from different cameras
Run exposure-level forced photometry on images from different cameras
[x] Straightforward renaming
[x] What fields should go in registry (and which are required vs optional): visit, sensor, source, filter, date/time
[x] Function to add something to registry
[x] Update mapper policy to use new keys
[x] Write dummy ISR Task(s) that mangles actually-processed "raw" images into the postIsrCcd Exposures the stack expects
[x] Fix up configuration defaults.
[x] Remove the CameraGeom; Test and see what breaks
[ ] Transform/copy CFHT & DECam postISR images to the expected directory with correct file names
[ ] Re-enable _setFilter function in