rbn42 / panon

An Audio Visualizer Widget in KDE Plasma
GNU General Public License v3.0
192 stars 30 forks source link

[REQUEST] It's time for a new release #117

Open creeloper27 opened 10 months ago

creeloper27 commented 10 months ago

There is a PR that fixes a bug that currently makes the plasmoid basically unusable.

It would be nice if that PR can be merged a new release made.

Thanks in advance.

creeloper27 commented 10 months ago


rappo commented 6 months ago

@creeloper27 (or anyone else following along) someone pushed this change as a new widget, Panon-fixed. I can confirm it gets pulseaudio working for me. https://store.kde.org/p/2102361

I also had to get qt-websockets installed (pacman -S qt5-websockets python-docopt python-numpy python-pyaudio python-cffi python-websockets)

Alternatively, you could also just edit your pulseaudio.py per this reddit comment:

change "import collections" to "import collections.abc as collections"
