rbn42 / panon

An Audio Visualizer Widget in KDE Plasma
GNU General Public License v3.0
192 stars 30 forks source link
kde-desktop music-visualizer plasma-desktop shadertoy spectrum-analyzer

This is an audio spectrum analyzer for KDE panel.


Requirements | | Version | |------------------+------------------| | OpenGL / GLSL | >= 3.0 / 1.30 | | org.kde.kirigami | >= 2.3 (kf 5.42) | | org.kde.newstuff | >= 1.1 (kf 5.63) | If your KDE Framework is older than 5.63, see [[../../wiki/Troubleshooting#cannot-load-the-visual-effects-page-in-the-configuration-dialog][here]]. Dependencies

*** Arch Linux


sudo pacman -S qt5-websockets \ python-docopt python-numpy python-pyaudio python-cffi python-websockets


*** openSUSE


sudo zypper in libQt5WebSockets5 \ python3-docopt python3-numpy python3-PyAudio python3-cffi python3-websockets


*** Ubuntu


sudo apt-get install qml-module-qt-websockets \ python3-docopt python3-numpy python3-pyaudio python3-cffi python3-websockets


*** Solus


sudo eopkg install qt5-websockets \ python-docopt PyAudio numpy python-cffi python-websockets


** Installation *** Via KDE Store

  1. Open the "Add Widgets" dialog of your desktop
  2. Go to "Get New Widgets" in the bottom
  3. Click "Download New Plasma Widgets"
  4. Search for "panon"
  5. Click "Install"

*** Via Command Line


git clone https://github.com/rbn42/panon.git cd panon

Download SoundCard and hsluv-glsl

git submodule update --init

Build translations (optional)

mkdir build cd build cmake ../translations make install DESTDIR=../plasmoid/contents/locale cd ..

To install

kpackagetool5 -t Plasma/Applet --install plasmoid

To upgrade

kpackagetool5 -t Plasma/Applet --upgrade plasmoid


*** Via AUR [[https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/plasma5-applets-panon/][plasma5-applets-panon]] is available for ArchLinux.

** [[../../wiki/VisualEffects][Visual Effects]]

[[../../wiki/Troubleshooting][Troubleshooting]] Credits Main Contributors From old to new, | | Contributor | |----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------| | AUR package maintained by | [[https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?K=mareex&SeB=m][mareex]], [[https://github.com/flying-sheep][flying-sheep (Philipp A.)]] | | German translation added by | [[https://github.com/NLDev][NullDev (Chris)]] | | "Download New Effects" dialog added by | [[https://github.com/flying-sheep][flying-sheep (Philipp A.)]] | | Dutch translation added by | [[https://github.com/Vistaus][Vistaus (Heimen Stoffels)]] | | "Monitor of Current Device" option added by | [[https://github.com/yuannan][Yuannan]] | And thanks for all the reported issues and suggestions, which I would not list here. Third Party Source | Files | Source | Licensed under | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------| | [[file:panon/backend/source.py][source.py]] and [[file:panon/backend/spectrum.py][spectrum.py]] | adapted from [[https://github.com/ajalt/PyVisualizer][PyVisualizer]] | | | =hsv2rgb= in [[file:plasmoid/contents/shaders/utils.fsh][utils.fsh]] | copied from [[https://gist.github.com/patriciogonzalezvivo/114c1653de9e3da6e1e3][GLSL-color.md]] | |