rbn42 / panon

An Audio Visualizer Widget in KDE Plasma
GNU General Public License v3.0
192 stars 30 forks source link

[Feature request] Any plan for Plasma 6? #123

Open crazyraven opened 4 months ago

crazyraven commented 4 months ago


Kde Plamsa 6 will be landed most major distro soon and I've already upgraded to Plasma 6. Do you have any plan panon support for Plasma 6? or any workarounds?

Thank you

Best regards,

zcbxxx1 commented 4 months ago


twoexem commented 4 months ago


dtr125 commented 4 months ago

I really hope this can be updated, i only started using this widget recently as it looks really cool, and Arcolinux started using Plasma-6 recently.

I think this page says how to convert it to work on Plasma-6 if anyone is knowledgeable enough: https://develop.kde.org/docs/plasma/widget/porting_kf6/?ref=news.itsfoss.com

ghhccghk commented 3 months ago

I'm trying to port and find that there are a lot of problems that can be started, but can't solve the inability to set the configuration. I may not handle these issues well

MizurenNanako commented 3 months ago


oberkut commented 3 months ago

Please update to QT6

f35f0ef9d0e827dae86552d3899f78fc commented 3 months ago

2021 is last activity in the repo. Is anyone with Maintainer status still around? If not, we might need someone to start a whole new repo and uplift this project to work with Plasma 6.

Megalomaniak commented 3 months ago

Haven't tried it yet but fork w/ porting effort towards Plasma 6: https://github.com/qspidy/panon

zcbxxx1 commented 3 months ago

Haven't tried it yet but fork w/ porting effort towards Plasma 6: https://github.com/qspidy/panon

Great! Now, can we do sonething test in plasma6 on my PC?

Megalomaniak commented 3 months ago

@zcbxxx1 You can try the build instructions just remember for the first line(repo cloning step) to type the forks repo URL and not just copy paste the instructed line as-is since the readme is unchanged and so you'd end up building this upstream repo instead of the fork.

NB. I haven't vetted that this is a safe repo. You build and use this at your own discretion.

edit: author does seem a bit sus based on their blog. Clear interest in infosec and black-hattery.

edit 2: at a quick glance the only .js file changed from this repo seemed fine. But again, only a quick glance through the repo. Might be trying to fetch your username tho and the repo might change over time. Always make sure to read changes in forks for yourself if security conscious.

qspidy commented 3 months ago

Well, I've never imagined that my fork would gain attention. :eyes: :rofl: To prevent further misunderstandings, I'll explain my work on the fork.

It's been weeks I left this behind, but I'm keeping up with this issue, now the last problem is how to make the shaders work, I'm still working on it but I haven't found any plasmoid example based on qsb files, so I'm not sure if it works simply generating the qsb from old shaders.

I've pushed my latest commit to my fork, feel free to review. :laughing:

@Megalomaniak is right, you should never try running uncensored code on your computer unless you know what you are doing. :+1:

Megalomaniak commented 3 months ago

Probably a mistranslation but uncensored code is likely what you would want, as in, it's reviewable(I take censored to mean obfuscated in some manner). I presume unreviewed or unverified code was meant by it.

As for the TypeError, sounds like the file method in the plasmoid class has likely been changed in some way, possibly even renamed perhaps. But I'm not a KDE/Qt developer so consulting with developer documentation is likely the way to go.

Actually scratch that, it says that it can't call method 'file' of Null meaning for some reason it can't call plasmoid class. Instead gets Null. Was plasmoid renamed perhaps? Might they have started capitalizing class names for an example? Could it be as simple as it needs to be Plasmoid instead of plasmoid?

edit: ok quick look through the docs, there's some heavy refactoring needed. All the Kirigami stuff and everything else. Big oof.

zcbxxx1 commented 3 months ago

Well, I've never imagined that my fork would gain attention. 👀 🤣 To prevent further misunderstandings, I'll explain my work on the fork.

* According to KDE doc [Porting Plasmoids to KF6](https://develop.kde.org/docs/plasma/widget/porting_kf6/), I did some modifications on code, but it's not enough.

* Since Plasma 6 is built on top of Qt 6 and fragmentShader (property of ShaderEffect) don't support GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) source code any more, [qsb file is needed to make the ShaderEffect work](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qml-qtquick-shadereffect.html#shaders).

* I modified the function get_root() in utils.js to directly return the root dir of panon since `plasmoid.file` doesn't work on plasma6 (I got `utils.js:2: TypeError: Cannot call method 'file' of null` when testing).

It's been weeks I left this behind, but I'm keeping up with this issue, now the last problem is how to make the shaders work, I'm still working on it but I haven't found any plasmoid example based on qsb files, so I'm not sure if it works simply generating the qsb from old shaders.

I've pushed my latest commit to my fork, feel free to review. 😆

@Megalomaniak is right, you should never try running uncensored code on your computer unless you know what you are doing. 👍

I seem to have found some problems on my computer when trying to install panon on kde6, but I'm not sure if it's my personal fault. Can you open the issues in your fork to facilitate everyone's discussion and solution?

qspidy commented 3 months ago

For that case, I created a room on matrix.org, welcome to join and discuss, any suggestions or help would be appreciated:


lunelovehearn commented 3 months ago

For that case, I created a room on matrix.org, welcome to join and discuss, any suggestions or help would be appreciated:


just checked your fork, but idk how to test install panon on plasma 6.