rbn42 / panon

An Audio Visualizer Widget in KDE Plasma
GNU General Public License v3.0
192 stars 30 forks source link

Only showing black box after update. #16

Closed NullDev closed 4 years ago

NullDev commented 4 years ago

I've tried to remove the old panon widget and completely reinstall the plugin, but to no avail sadly. Some tests with PlasmoidViewer were unsuccessful as well:


Semi off-topic: Is a german translation needed? I'd be happy to help out on that matter

rbn42 commented 4 years ago

Thank you, your report is helpful. But I still need more information. Would you mind to checkout the latest master branch (I mean, I added more "console.log" code), try to test it again and send me the new logging messages?

Semi off-topic: Is a german translation needed? I'd be happy to help out on that matter

Yes, that would be appreciated.

NullDev commented 4 years ago

Yes, that would be appreciated.

Alright! Ill start working on it this weekend.

try to test it again



NullDev commented 4 years ago

UPDATE: I just checked the ReadMe. Seems like I missed the step git submodule update --init Now it shows a black box at first but after changing effect, it seems to work! Doesn't explain why the KDE Store version still won't work tho :/

UPDATE 2: KDE Store Version appears to be working now. I have no idea why

rbn42 commented 4 years ago

Doesn't explain why the KDE Store version still won't work tho :/

It seems I forgot to package third party files into the KDE Store verion 0.3.1. Crappy.

KDE Store Version appears to be working now. I have no idea why

I guess it was because you ran install.sh and installed the git version for KDE panel.

rbn42 commented 4 years ago

Sorry for your time, it was totally a mistake.

NullDev commented 4 years ago

It seems I forgot to package third party files into the KDE Store verion 0.3.1. Crappy. I guess it was because you ran install.sh and installed the git version for KDE panel.

Ah, alright - I see. Thanks for the heads up!

Sorry for your time, it was totally a mistake.

No need to apologize! Always glad when I can be of some help :) Even tho I never coded a KDE widget. But I kinda want to get into it anyway

Thanks for resolving the issue! Love this widget