rbn42 / panon

An Audio Visualizer Widget in KDE Plasma
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature request] Easy spectometer inversion setting. #37

Closed PoorPocketsMcNewHold closed 3 years ago

PoorPocketsMcNewHold commented 3 years ago

Currently, I’m using panon as a two bar centered setup for an overhaul, alternative to glava. 

However, since it’s a Plasma widget, fully transparent spectometer ¨à la¨ glava isn’t possible.

(Except if I’ve badly done the process in the wiki Troubleshooting guide. It gives me an error :

QML Loading error : file:///home/pm/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/panon/contents/ui/main.qml:17:5: Property value set multiple times)

So, here's my suggestion. Could you implement a toggle to invert the spectometer? Low-pitched on the right and high-pitched to the left etc...

I suppose this can be done as an external fx effect edit, but I think others could benefit from such a small feature.

rbn42 commented 3 years ago

I’m using panon as a two bar

It is not the suggested way, because it costs double cpu.

I created this effect, is this what you want? https://github.com/rbn42/panon-effects/tree/master/effects/rbn42-mirror (In case you don't know, you can install it by downloading it to ~/.local/share/panon/)

Or do you prefer other effects like glowbar?

yuannan commented 3 years ago

Currently, I’m using panon as a two bar centered setup for an overhaul, alternative to glava.

However, since it’s a Plasma widget, fully transparent spectometer ¨à la¨ glava isn’t possible.

(Except if I’ve badly done the process in the wiki Troubleshooting guide. It gives me an error :

QML Loading error : file:///home/pm/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/panon/contents/ui/main.qml:17:5: Property value set multiple times)

So, here's my suggestion. Could you implement a toggle to invert the spectometer? Low-pitched on the right and high-pitched to the left etc...

I suppose this can be done as an external fx effect edit, but I think others could benefit from such a small feature.

I would also like this. This L + R stacking is weird and less useful to me.

yuannan commented 3 years ago

I’m using panon as a two bar

It is not the suggested way, because it costs double cpu.

I created this effect, is this what you want? https://github.com/rbn42/panon-effects/tree/master/effects/rbn42-mirror (In case you don't know, you can install it by downloading it to ~/.local/share/panon/)

Or do you prefer other effects like glowbar?

Can you make rb42-snow in mirrored mode for me please? Is there any docs on how to write the shaders for panon? It seems to be in C# or C like language.

rbn42 commented 3 years ago

Is there any docs on how to write the shaders for panon? It seems to be in C# or C like language.

You can find the doc here https://github.com/rbn42/panon/wiki/VisualEffects, please give me feedback if the doc is not well-written.

The language is called GLSL. And you can find a community and better tutorials/docs on http://shadertoy.com. http://shadertoy.com is also a good IDE for you to create shaders for panon.

yuannan commented 3 years ago

Is there any docs on how to write the shaders for panon? It seems to be in C# or C like language.

You can find the doc here https://github.com/rbn42/panon/wiki/VisualEffects, please give me feedback if the doc is not well-written.

The language is called GLSL. And you can find a community and better tutorials/docs on http://shadertoy.com. http://shadertoy.com is also a good IDE for you to create shaders for panon.

Thank you 💟. On second thought, please don't make it for me 😂. I want to attempt this myself as a technical exercise to learn GLSL.