rbn42 / panon

An Audio Visualizer Widget in KDE Plasma
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] {Panon not applying visual effect} #81

Open disausername opened 2 years ago

disausername commented 2 years ago

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Describe the bug Still fairly new to linux, so it might be a simple issue. But the "Visual Effects" part of Panon Settings won't remember the selected effect. I open settings for it to provide me with no effect options, click to another menu option, then click back for it to provide me with all of the effects. I can select one and apply it, but as soon as I close settings and reopen it, the cycle repeats and the effects are gone. Is whatever issue this is the reason why the audio bar won't react to any outgoing audio?

disausername commented 2 years ago

My best guess for why I'm having this issue is something about python-docopt. Whenever I do the websockets install command, everything is appears to be installed except for python-docopt, I get "error: target not found: python-docopt" instead. This is both before and after I've installed python-docopt-0.6.2-11. From here, I have no idea why it's not working

rabfel-hobmet commented 2 years ago

i seem to be stuck on the same part. i can't get anything to "stick" after previously having it working for a long time.