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A pybtex plugin for working with RIS files.
Install pybtexris from PyPI using pip::
pip install pybtexris
To convert an RIS file to another format, use the pybtex-convert
command. For example::
pybtex-convert bibliography.ris bibliography.bib
The extension of the output file must be supported by pybtex
or an associated plugin.
To format an RIS file into a human-readable bibliography, use the pybtex-format command. For example::
pybtex-format bibliography.ris bibliography.txt
For more information, see the documentation for pybtex <https://docs.pybtex.org/cmdline.html>
RIS files can be formatted into a human-readable bibliography as a string as follows:
.. code-block:: python
from pybtex import format_from_file
bibliography_string = format_from_file(
Multiple RIS files can be formatted in a similar way:
.. code-block:: python
from pybtex import format_from_files
bibliography_string = format_from_files(
["path/to/file1.ris", "path/to/file2.ris"],
So that RIS files can be combined with bibliography files of other formats (such as BibTeX),
also adds SuffixParser
to the list of plugins which pybtex can use.
The user just needs to give suffix
as the argument to bib_format
.. code-block:: python
from pybtex import format_from_files
result = format_from_files(
["path/to/file1.ris", "path/to/file2.bib"],
The parsers for the files for other formats need to be registered on the pybtex.database.input.suffixes
entry point as discussed pybtex plugin documentation <https://docs.pybtex.org/api/plugins.html>
To combine with NBIB citation files, please use the pybtexnbib <https://github.com/rbturnbull/pybtexnbib>
For more information on programmatic use of pybtex,
see the documentation of the Python API of pybtex <https://docs.pybtex.org/api/index.html>
Robert Turnbull (Melbourne Data Analytics Platform, University of Melbourne)