rchain-community / rchain-api

An API for rchain dapps to communicate with the blockchain
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blockchain capabilities dapp decentralization javascript


An API for dApp frontends to communicate with the RChain blockchain.

The RChain Cooperative is developing a decentralized, economically sustainable public compute infrastructure. Decentralized applications or "dApps" will run their business logic as smart contracts on the blockchain. Their user interfaces will be more traditional programs that interact with the blockchain as a backend. This separation allows dApp developers to create nice abstract interfaces, and allows end users to create their own sovereign interfaces should they choose to do so.


Install with npm install rchain-community/rchain-api. Then, to get current block info from testnet:

import { RNode } = from 'rchain-api';

const obs = RNode(fetch)
(async () => {
  const blocks = await rnode.getBlocks(1);

If your node is a validator and you have a key to authorize payment, you can deploy code:

const { RNode, signDeploy } = require('rchain-api');

const val = RNode(fetch)

const term = '@"world"!("Hello!")';
const myKey = '11'.repeat(32);
const timestamp = new Date('2019-04-12T17:59:29.274Z').valueOf();
const [recent] = await observer.getBlocks(1);
const info = signDeploy(myKey, { timestamp, term, phloLimit: 10000, phloPrice: 1, validAfterBlockNumber: recent.blockNumber });
rnode.deploy(info).then((message) => { assert(message.startsWith('Success')); });



Getting access to an RChain node

Choices include:

Examples and Related Projects


Copyright 2018-2019 RChain Cooperative

Apache 2.0 License (See LICENSE.txt)

Contributions welcome (See CONTRIBUTING.md)