rclement / datasette-dashboards

Datasette plugin providing data dashboards from metadata
Apache License 2.0
137 stars 7 forks source link
dashboards data-visualization datasette datasette-io datasette-plugin sql vega-lite


Datasette plugin providing data dashboards from metadata

PyPI CI/CD Coverage Status License

Try out a live demo at https://datasette-dashboards-demo.vercel.app

WARNING: this plugin is still experimental and not ready for production. Some breaking changes might happen between releases before reaching a stable version. Use it at your own risks!

Datasette Dashboards Demo


Install this plugin in the same environment as Datasette:

$ datasette install datasette-dashboards


Define dashboards within metadata.yml / metadata.json:

      title: My Dashboard
      description: Showing some nice metrics
        - [analysis-note, events-count]
        - [analysis-note, events-source]
          name: Date Start
          type: date
          default: "2021-01-01"
          name: Date End
          type: date
          name: My Category
          type: select
          options: [Option 1, Option 2, Option 3]
          name: My Dynamic Category
          type: select
          db: jobs
          query: SELECT region FROM jobs ORDER BY region ASC
          library: markdown
          display: |-
            # Analysis notes
            > A quick rundown of events statistics and KPIs

          title: Total number of events
          db: jobs
          query: SELECT count(*) as count FROM events
          library: metric
            field: count

          title: Number of events by source
          db: jobs
          query: SELECT source, count(*) as count FROM events WHERE TRUE [[ AND date >= date(:date_start) ]] [[ AND date <= date(:date_end) ]] GROUP BY source ORDER BY count DESC
          library: vega-lite
            mark: { type: arc, tooltip: true }
              color: { field: source, type: nominal }
              theta: { field: count, type: quantitative }

A new menu entry is now available, pointing at /-/dashboards to access all defined dashboards.


Dashboard properties:

Property Type Description
title string Dashboard title
description string Dashboard description
settings object Dashboard settings
layout array Dashboard layout
filters object Dashboard filters

Dashboard settings:

Property Type Description
allow_fullscreen bool Allow dashboard to be toggled in fullscreen (default false)
autorefresh number Auto-refresh timeout in minutes

Dashboard filters:

Property Type Description
name string Filter display name
type string Filter type (text, date, number, select)
default string, number (optional) Filter default value
min number (optional) Filter minimum value
max number (optional) Filter maximum value
step number (optional) Filter stepping value
options list (optional) Select filter options list
db string (optional) Dynamic select filter database
query string (optional) Dynamic select filter query

Common chart properties for all chart types:

Property Type Description
title string Chart title
db string Database name against which to run the query
query string SQL query to run and extract data from
library string One of supported libraries: vega, vega-lite, markdown, metric, table, map
display object Chart display specification (depend on the used library)

To define SQL queries using dashboard filters:

SELECT * FROM mytable [[ WHERE col >= :my_filter ]]
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE TRUE [[ AND col1 = :my_filter_1 ]] [[ AND col2 = :my_filter_2 ]]

Important notes:

Vega properties

Available configuration for vega charts:

Property Type Description
library string Must be set to vega
display object Vega specification object

Notes about the display property:

Vega-Lite properties

Available configuration for vega-lite charts:

Property Type Description
library string Must be set to vega-lite
display object Vega specification object

Notes about the display property:

Markdown properties

Available configuration for markdown chart:

Property Type Description
library string Must be set to markdown
display string Multi-line string containing the Markdown content

Note :

Metric properties

Available configuration for metric chart:

Property Type Description
library string Must be set to metric
display.field string Numerical field to be displayed as metric
display.prefix string Prefix to be displayed before metric
display.suffix string Prefix to be displayed after metric


Table properties

There is no required configured in display, so you can either ignored or leave it empty for table charts.

Some advice for a nice table chart:

Map properties

Available configuration for map chart:

Property Type Description
library string Must be set to map
display.latitude_column string Name of the latitude column (default: latitude)
display.longitude_column string Name of the latitude column (default: longitude)
display.show_latlng_popup boolean Whether or not to display latitude and longitude values in popup (default: false)

Warning: do not try to load more than a thousand rows for a map at the risk of slugginess and being unreadable. Make sensible use of the LIMIT clause to reduce the number of items to display on the map.

Dashboard layout

The default dashboard layout will present two charts per row (one per row on mobile). To make use of custom dashboard layout using CSS Grid Layout, define the layout array property as a grid / matrix:


Here is a simple 2x3 grid example with 4 different charts:

  - [chart1, chart2, chart3]
  - [chart1, chart4, chart4]

Here is a more subtle example involving an empty spot at the end of the second row:

  - [chart1, chart2, chart3]
  - [chart1, chart4, .]

Embedding dashboards and charts

Dashboards can be embedded within an HTML page using an iframe element:


Same goes for charts:



To set up this plugin locally, first checkout the code. Then create a new virtual environment and the required dependencies:

poetry install
poetry shell

To run the QA suite:

black --check datasette_dashboards tests
flake8 datasette_dashboards tests
mypy datasette_dashboards tests
pytest -v --cov=datasette_dashboards --cov=tests --cov-branch --cov-report=term-missing tests

Updating JS dependencies

External JS dependencies are tracked and bundled using NPM and package.json (package-lock.json is not needed here):

npm install --no-package-lock


With the developmnent environment setup, you can run the demo locally:

datasette \
  --metadata demo/metadata.yml \
  --template-dir demo/templates \


Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0

Copyright (c) 2021 - present Romain Clement