rconstanzo / SP-tools

A set of tools to user a Sensory Percussion pickup with Max/MSP and Max for Live
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SP-Tools - Machine Learning tools for low latency real-time performance

SP-Tools are a set of machine learning tools that are optimized for low latency and real-time performance. The tools can be used with any audio input but include optimizations for Sensory Percussion sensors and ordinary drum triggers.

SP-Tools includes low latency onset detection, onset-based and real-time descriptor analysis, classification and clustering, corpus analysis and querying, concatenative synthesis, neural network predictive regression, and a slew of other abstractions that are optimized for low latency applications.

SP-Tools is built around the FluCoMa Toolkit and requires v1.0.6+ to be installed for this package to work.

Discord Server

You can join the SP-Tools Discord server to keep up on future updates/news as well as make suggestions, share corpora and musical examples etc...


Max 8.3 or higher or Live/M4L (Mac/Windows).
FluCoMa v1.0.6 or higher - Download Link
All abstractions work in 64-bit and M1/Universal Binary 2.

Useful Videos

SP-Tools Teaser Video - Performance and Musical Examples
SP-Tools (alpha v0.1) - Initial Overview
SP-Tools (alpha v0.2) - Controllers and Setups
SP-Tools (alpha v0.3) - Filtering, Playback, and Realtime Analysis
SP-Tools (alpha v0.4) - Concatenation and Realtime Filtering
SP-Tools (alpha v0.5) - Grid-Based Matching, Erae Touch, and Max for Live
SP-Tools (alpha v0.6) - Max for Live Walkthrough
SP-Tools (alpha v0.7) - Ramps, Data Processing, Novelty, and Timestretching
SP-Tools (alpha v0.8) - Sines, Synthesis/Modelling, and Documentation
SP-Tools (alpha v0.9) - Scope, Ease of Use, and Audio Processing


v0.9 - Scope, Ease of Use, and Audio Processing

v0.8 - Sines, Synthesis/Modelling, and Documentation

v0.7 - SP-Tools v0.7 - Ramps, Data Processing, Novelty, and Timestretching

v0.6 - SP-Tools v0.6 - Max for Live Walkthrough

v0.5 - SP-Tools v0.5 - Grid-Based Matching, Erae Touch, and Max for Live

v0.4 - SP-Tools v0.4 - Concatenation and Realtime Filtering

v0.3 - SP-Tools v0.3 - Filtering, Playback, and Realtime Analysis

v.02 - SP-Tools v0.2 - Controllers and Setups