rcos / rcos-stats

A statistic collecting tool for RCOS and Observatory3
MIT License
0 stars 2 forks source link

RCOS Stats

Automatically generates statistics using Observatory3 and Github


Run npm install to install all dependencies.

You will also need to create a .env file to store environment variables. Copy the .env.example file and use that as a starting point.

Lastly you will need to create a GitHub Personal Access Token and add it to the .env file as GITHUB_API_TOKEN.

Status Update Stats

To generate stats for rcos-status-updates run the following command:

npm run status-updates

This will produce status-updates.csv and status-updates.json

Getting the data files

Data files (users.json, projects.json etc.) should be stored in the collections directory.

To generate a collections directory, execute the following command on a server running Observatory.

mkdir collections
mongoexport --db observatory3 --collection users --out collections/users.json
mongoexport --db observatory3 --collection projects --out collections/projects.json
mongoexport --db observatory3 --collection classyears --out collections/classyears.json
mongoexport --db observatory3 --collection posts --out collections/posts.json