rcriii42 / DHLLDV

Python implementation of the DHLLDV slurry transport framework
GNU General Public License v2.0
8 stars 7 forks source link


Python implementation of the DHLLDV slurry transport framework

Note that the equations are from the 3rd edition of the book 'Slurry Transport Fundamentals, A Historical Overview & The Delft Head Loss & Limit Deposit Velocity Framework', By Sape A. Miedema, Edited by Robert Ramsdell

Each model has a test suite, based on 'hand' calculations contained in the included Excel spreadsheet tests/tests.xls

In addition, DHLLDV Framework.xlsm, a spreadsheet developed by Sape Miedema, implements the framework, a simple pump and slurry system model, historical models and more.


Unless noted in a particular sub-directory, this project is licenced under the GNU Public License (GPL) 3.0. The current exceptions are as follows:


Download the source code:

PS C:\Users\you\PycharmProjects\DHLLDV>git clone https://github.com/rcriii42/DHLLDV.git DHLLDV

Change to the DHLLDV directory and create a virtual environment (not required but recommended):

PS C:\Users\you\PycharmProjects\DHLLDV>python -m venv .\env

Activate the virtual environment:

After activating the virtual environment, the command prompt will be preceded by (env).

Install the requirements: (env) PS C:\Users\you\PycharmProjects\DHLLDV>pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the tests:

(venv) PS C:\Users\YOU\PycharmProjects\DHLLDV> pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov=DHLLDV
======================================================= test session starts ========================================================
platform win32 -- Python 3.10.2, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: C:\Users\YOU\PycharmProjects\DHLLDV
plugins: cov-4.0.0
collected 123 items

tests\test_DHLLDV_framework.py ......                                                                                         [  4%]
tests\test_DHLLDV_framework_graded.py ...............                                                                         [ 17%]
tests\test_Framework_LDV.py .......                                                                                           [ 22%]
tests\test_Pipe.py .................                                                                                          [ 36%]
tests\test_PumpObj.py .............                                                                                           [ 47%]
tests\test_SlurryObj.py ....................                                                                                  [ 63%]
tests\test_Wilson_V50.py .....                                                                                                [ 67%]
tests\test_Wilson_stratified.py ...s..                                                                                        [ 72%]
tests\test_heterogeneous.py .....                                                                                             [ 76%]
tests\test_homogeneous.py ..............                                                                                      [ 87%]
tests\test_stratified.py ........                                                                                             [ 94%]
tests\test_utils.py .......                                                                                                   [100%]

---------- coverage: platform win32, python 3.10.2-final-0 -----------
Name                             Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
src\DHLLDV\DHLLDV_Utils.py          37      0   100%
src\DHLLDV\DHLLDV_constants.py      13      0   100%
src\DHLLDV\DHLLDV_framework.py     272     10    96%   138, 199, 233, 286-289, 309-310, 358, 470
src\DHLLDV\DriverObj.py             14      2    86%   23, 28
src\DHLLDV\PipeObj.py              155     31    80%   52, 88, 108, 146, 184, 208, 218, 226-251
src\DHLLDV\PumpObj.py              157     42    73%   56, 62, 82, 95, 127, 146, 160-197, 229
src\DHLLDV\SlurryObj.py            188      7    96%   51, 176, 181-190, 214, 216, 313
src\DHLLDV\__init__.py               0      0   100%
src\DHLLDV\heterogeneous.py         55      1    98%   146
src\DHLLDV\homogeneous.py           58      0   100%
src\DHLLDV\stratified.py            80      2    98%   171, 220
TOTAL                             1029     95    91%

================================================== 122 passed, 1 skipped in 5.57s ==================================================

Interactive Viewer

There is an interactive viewer that runs in a bokeh server, the following command will open a tab in your browser:

(env) PS C:\Users\YOU\PycharmProjects\DHLLDV> bokeh serve --show DHLLDV_viewer

The viewer has a top bar, and two tabs; a Slurry Tab and Pipeline Tab

Top Bar

DHLLDV Viewer top bar

Slurry Tab

Slurry Tab

The viewer allows you to adjust certain properties of the system:

Pipeline Tab

Shows a particular pipeline, including a CSD dredge with two pumps.

Left Panel

Right Panel

Pipeline Tab