rd-alliance-ddri / research-data-switchboard

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Graph2JSON: NullPointerException #6

Closed aaryani closed 9 years ago

aaryani commented 9 years ago

Error Source: Graph2JSON utility (https://github.com/rd-alliance-ddri/research-data-switchboard/blob/master/v2/jars/graph2json.jar).

Error Message: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at org.grants.utils.grant2json.App.parseRelationship(App.java:177) at org.grants.utils.grant2json.App.main(App.java:94)

Replicate the error as follows: Step 1- Run the following Cypher: MATCH (n1:Web:Researcher)-[r]-(n2) WHERE n1.key="http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" RETURN n1, r, n2 LIMIT 25

Step 2 - Export the JSON format -- Result.JSON.

Step 3. Run the script in the following format: java -jar graph2json.jar ~/Downloads/result.json new.json Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at org.grants.utils.grant2json.App.parseRelationship(App.java:177) at org.grants.utils.grant2json.App.main(App.java:94)

APPENDIX/ Result.JSON: { "graph": { "nodeMap": { "251783": { "date_modified": "2011-11-29T03:20:34Z", "identifier_purl": "http://purl.org/au-research/grants/arc/DP0663746", "key": "http://researchdata.ands.org.au/alternative-reproductive-tactics-and-threshold-evolution/73703", "name_primary": "Alternative reproductive tactics and threshold evolution", "node_source": "RDA", "node_type": "Grant", "rda_id": "73703", "rda_key": "oai:ands.org.au::73703", "rda_slug": "alternative-reproductive-tactics-and-threshold-evolution", "subject_Community Benefit": "This research is focussed at the highest level in the field of evolutionary biology; testing recent theory for the evolution of alternative reproductive tactics and using these species to test hypotheses about adaptation. The proposal involves collaborations with high-profile researchers from three European countries and will increase Australia's standing as a world-leader in evolutionary biology. Australian students will benefit from exposure to high quality international collaborators. We will also increase our understanding of the biology of the European earwig, a pest species in Australia. Reproductive tactics are exciting topics for media attention and this research will reach a wide and interested Australian and world audience.", "subject_brief": "In many species, evolution has favoured two or more ways for males to increase their reproductive success. These 'alternative tactics' often involve males fighting for females or avoiding fights and sneaking matings. The tactics are frequently associated with extreme differences in body plan. The theory and empirical evidence relating to the evolution of alternative tactics has recently been challenged. This proposal aims to address this criticism by testing recent theoretical advances concerning how ecology influences the genetics of alternative tactics. In addition, these divergent life-histories within a species and a single sex, present a unique and powerful tool for testing key evolutionary questions. We will exploit this opportunity.", "subject_local": "ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION", "subject_notes": "Investigators: Dr JL Tomkins; Dr NR LeBas; Prof JS Kotiaho; A/Prof JW Radwan\n\t\t\t\tScheme: Discovery Projects\n\t\t\t\tFunding: $AUD 185,000.00\n\t\t\t\tApplication Year: 2005\n\t\t\t\tFirst Year: 2006", "type": "project" }, "264733": { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" }, "56487": { "author": [ "Buzatto, Bruno Alves", "Tomkins, Joseph L.", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": [ "doi:10.5061/dryad.qj8713jm/2", "doi:10.5061/dryad.qj8713jm/1" ], "description": "Polyphenic traits are widespread, but compared to other traits, relatively few studies have explored the mechanisms that influence their inheritance. Here we investigated the relative importance of additive, nonadditive genetic, and parental sources of variation in the expression of polyphenic male dimorphism in the mite Rhizoglyphus echinopus, a species in which males are either fighters or scramblers. We established eight inbred lines through eight generations of full-sibling matings, and then crossed the inbred lines in a partial diallel design. Nymphs were isolated and raised to adulthood with ad libitum food. At adulthood, male morph was recorded for all male offspring. Using a Cockerham-Weir model we found strong paternal effects for this polyphenic trait that could be either linked to the Y chromosome of males or an indirect genetic effect that is environmentally transmitted. In additional analyses we were able to corroborate the paternal effects but also detected significant additive effects questioning the Cockerham-Weir analysis. This study reveals the potential importance of paternal effects on the expression of polyphenic traits and sheds light on the complex genetic architecture of these traits.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.qj8713jm", "genre": "Article", "host": "Buzatto BA, Simmons LW, Tomkins JL (2012) Paternal effects on the expression of a male polyphenism. Evolution 66(10): 3167-3178.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.38966", "isReferencedBy": [ "doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01662.x", "PMID:23025606" ], "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.38966", "keywords": [ "Phenotypic Plasticity", "Male Dimorphism", "Intra-sexual Dimorphism", "Alternative Reproductive Tactics", "Conditional Strategy", "Threshold Trait" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.38966", "timestamp": "2012-10-09T14:35:29Z", "title": "Data from: Paternal effects on the expression of a male polyphenism" }, "63832": { "author": [ "Buzatto, Bruno Alves", "Tomkins, Joseph L.", "Machado, Glauco", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": "doi:10.5061/dryad.q8v8v/1", "description": "Secondary sexual traits increase male fitness, but may be maladaptive in females, generating intralocus sexual conflict that is ameliorated through sexual dimorphism. Sexual selection on males may also lead some males to avoid expenditure on secondary sexual traits and achieve copulations using alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs). Secondary sexual traits can increase or decrease fitness in males, depending on which ART they employ, generating intralocus tactical conflict that can be ameliorated through male dimorphism. Due to the evolutionary forces acting against intralocus sexual and tactical conflicts, male dimorphism could coevolve with sexual dimorphism, a hypothesis that we tested by investigating these dimorphisms across 48 harvestman species. Using three independently derived phylogenies we consistently found that the evolution of sexual dimorphism was correlated with that of male dimorphism, and suggest that the major force behind this relationship is the similarity between selection against intralocus sexual conflict and selection against intralocus tactical conflict. We also found that transitions in male dimorphism were more likely in the presence of sexual dimorphism, indicating that if a sexually selected trait arises on an autosome and is expressed in both sexes, its suppression in females probably evolves earlier than its suppression in small males that adopt ARTs.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.q8v8v", "genre": "Article", "host": "Buzatto BA, Tomkins JL, Simmons LW, Machado G (2014) Correlated evolution of sexual dimorphism and male dimorphism in a clade of neotropical harvestmen. Evolution 68(6): 1671-1686.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.60145", "isReferencedBy": [ "PMID:24593685", "doi:10.1111/evo.12395" ], "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.60145", "keywords": [ "intralocus sexual conflict", "Coevolution", "Opiliones", "intrasexual dimorphism", "alternative phenotypes", "intralocus tactical conflict" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.60145", "timestamp": "2014-06-04T18:29:47Z", "title": "Data from: Correlated evolution of sexual dimorphism and male dimorphism in a clade of neotropical harvestmen" }, "66940": { "author": [ "Buzatto, Bruno A.", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": "doi:10.5061/dryad.42pg7/1", "description": "1. Original sperm competition theory assumed that males trade expenditure on searching for mates for expenditure on the ejaculate, and predicted that males should increase their expenditure on the ejaculate in response to increased risk of competition. A recent extension of this theory has modeled pre-copulatory expenditure in terms of direct contest competition, and predicts that when the gains from marginal investment in weaponry are large, males might be expected to allocate resources to armaments even at the expense of the ejaculate. 2. Here we examine socially cued plasticity in allocation to pre- (body condition) and post-copulatory (testes mass) traits in a male dimorphic beetle, Onthophagus taurus, where major males fight for access to females and minor males obtain reproductive success via sperm competition. Both male morphs were either reared in social isolation or exposed to rivals during the period of sexual maturation following adult emergence. 3. Testes mass was found to be insensitive to social cues of future mating competition for both major and minor males. Major males allocated more to body condition when exposed to rivals, a response expected for a species in which the outcome of dyadic contests strongly affect male reproductive success. In contrast, minor male allocation to condition was insensitive to social cues. 4. Our data illustrate how socially cued plasticity in pre- and post-copulatory traits can depend on the relative importance of these episodes of selection for individual male fitness. In O. taurus dung beetles, males strategically adjusted the amount of resources they allocated to winning pre-copulatory contests over access to females. Strategic allocation to pre-copulatory contest competition did not come at a cost to male investment in sperm competition, suggesting that males may trade investment into contest competition against some other life history trait, such as longevity. The lack of plasticity in testes size suggests that selection from sperm competition may be a relatively constant feature of this species mating system.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.42pg7", "genre": "Article", "host": "Simmons LW, Buzatto BA (2014) Contrasting responses of pre- and post-copulatory traits to variation in mating competition. Functional Ecology 28(2): 494\u2013499.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.55230", "isReferencedBy": "doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12211", "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.55230", "keywords": [ "sperm competition", "phenotypic plasticity", "alternative mating tactics", "male dimorphism" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.55230", "timestamp": "2014-03-19T18:20:39Z", "title": "Data from: Contrasting responses of pre- and post-copulatory traits to variation in mating competition" }, "76608": { "author": [ "Tomkins, Joseph L.", "Buzatto, Bruno A.", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": "doi:10.5061/dryad.rp5tt780/1", "description": "Polyphenic traits are widespread, and represent a conditional strategy sensitive to environmental cues. The environmentally cued threshold (ET) model considers the switchpoint between alternative phenotypes as a polygenic quantitative trait with normally distributed variation. However, the genetic variation for switchpoints has rarely been explored empirically. Here we used inbred lines to investigate the genetic variation for the switchpoint in the mite Rhizoglyphus echinopus, in which males are either fighters or scramblers. The conditionality of male dimorphism varied among inbred lines, indicating that there was genetic variation for switchpoints in the base population, as predicted by the ET model. Our results also suggest a mixture between canalised and conditional strategists in R. echinopus. We propose that major genes that canalise morph expression and affect the extent to which a trait can be conditionally expressed could be a feature of the genetic architecture of threshold traits in other taxa.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.rp5tt780", "genre": "Article", "host": "Buzatto BA, Simmons LW, Tomkins JL (2012) Data from: Genetic variation underlying the expression of a polyphenism. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25(4): 748-758.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.37317", "isReferencedBy": [ "PMID:22356471", "doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2012.02469.x" ], "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.37317", "keywords": [ "Alternative phenotypes", "Alternative reproductive tactics", "Conditional strategy", "Male polyphenism", "Male dimorphism", "Threshold trait", "Intra-sexual dimorphism", "Phenotypic plasticity", "Canalisation" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.37317", "timestamp": "2012-03-16T18:35:35Z", "title": "Data from: Genetic variation underlying the expression of a polyphenism" } }, "relationshipMap": { "631641": {}, "631724": {}, "631749": {}, "631806": {}, "642300": {} } }, "table": { "_response": { "columns": [ "n1", "r", "n2" ], "data": [ { "graph": { "nodes": [ { "id": "264733", "labels": [ "Web", "Researcher" ], "properties": { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" } }, { "id": "251783", "labels": [ "RDA", "Grant" ], "properties": { "date_modified": "2011-11-29T03:20:34Z", "identifier_purl": "http://purl.org/au-research/grants/arc/DP0663746", "key": "http://researchdata.ands.org.au/alternative-reproductive-tactics-and-threshold-evolution/73703", "name_primary": "Alternative reproductive tactics and threshold evolution", "node_source": "RDA", "node_type": "Grant", "rda_id": "73703", "rda_key": "oai:ands.org.au::73703", "rda_slug": "alternative-reproductive-tactics-and-threshold-evolution", "subject_Community Benefit": "This research is focussed at the highest level in the field of evolutionary biology; testing recent theory for the evolution of alternative reproductive tactics and using these species to test hypotheses about adaptation. The proposal involves collaborations with high-profile researchers from three European countries and will increase Australia's standing as a world-leader in evolutionary biology. Australian students will benefit from exposure to high quality international collaborators. We will also increase our understanding of the biology of the European earwig, a pest species in Australia. Reproductive tactics are exciting topics for media attention and this research will reach a wide and interested Australian and world audience.", "subject_brief": "In many species, evolution has favoured two or more ways for males to increase their reproductive success. These 'alternative tactics' often involve males fighting for females or avoiding fights and sneaking matings. The tactics are frequently associated with extreme differences in body plan. The theory and empirical evidence relating to the evolution of alternative tactics has recently been challenged. This proposal aims to address this criticism by testing recent theoretical advances concerning how ecology influences the genetics of alternative tactics. In addition, these divergent life-histories within a species and a single sex, present a unique and powerful tool for testing key evolutionary questions. We will exploit this opportunity.", "subject_local": "ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION", "subject_notes": "Investigators: Dr JL Tomkins; Dr NR LeBas; Prof JS Kotiaho; A/Prof JW Radwan\n\t\t\t\tScheme: Discovery Projects\n\t\t\t\tFunding: $AUD 185,000.00\n\t\t\t\tApplication Year: 2005\n\t\t\t\tFirst Year: 2006", "type": "project" } } ], "relationships": [ { "endNode": "264733", "id": "642300", "properties": {}, "startNode": "251783", "type": "relatedTo" } ] }, "row": [ { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" }, {}, { "date_modified": "2011-11-29T03:20:34Z", "identifier_purl": "http://purl.org/au-research/grants/arc/DP0663746", "key": "http://researchdata.ands.org.au/alternative-reproductive-tactics-and-threshold-evolution/73703", "name_primary": "Alternative reproductive tactics and threshold evolution", "node_source": "RDA", "node_type": "Grant", "rda_id": "73703", "rda_key": "oai:ands.org.au::73703", "rda_slug": "alternative-reproductive-tactics-and-threshold-evolution", "subject_Community Benefit": "This research is focussed at the highest level in the field of evolutionary biology; testing recent theory for the evolution of alternative reproductive tactics and using these species to test hypotheses about adaptation. The proposal involves collaborations with high-profile researchers from three European countries and will increase Australia's standing as a world-leader in evolutionary biology. Australian students will benefit from exposure to high quality international collaborators. We will also increase our understanding of the biology of the European earwig, a pest species in Australia. Reproductive tactics are exciting topics for media attention and this research will reach a wide and interested Australian and world audience.", "subject_brief": "In many species, evolution has favoured two or more ways for males to increase their reproductive success. These 'alternative tactics' often involve males fighting for females or avoiding fights and sneaking matings. The tactics are frequently associated with extreme differences in body plan. The theory and empirical evidence relating to the evolution of alternative tactics has recently been challenged. This proposal aims to address this criticism by testing recent theoretical advances concerning how ecology influences the genetics of alternative tactics. In addition, these divergent life-histories within a species and a single sex, present a unique and powerful tool for testing key evolutionary questions. We will exploit this opportunity.", "subject_local": "ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION", "subject_notes": "Investigators: Dr JL Tomkins; Dr NR LeBas; Prof JS Kotiaho; A/Prof JW Radwan\n\t\t\t\tScheme: Discovery Projects\n\t\t\t\tFunding: $AUD 185,000.00\n\t\t\t\tApplication Year: 2005\n\t\t\t\tFirst Year: 2006", "type": "project" } ] }, { "graph": { "nodes": [ { "id": "63832", "labels": [ "Dryad", "Publication" ], "properties": { "author": [ "Buzatto, Bruno Alves", "Tomkins, Joseph L.", "Machado, Glauco", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": "doi:10.5061/dryad.q8v8v/1", "description": "Secondary sexual traits increase male fitness, but may be maladaptive in females, generating intralocus sexual conflict that is ameliorated through sexual dimorphism. Sexual selection on males may also lead some males to avoid expenditure on secondary sexual traits and achieve copulations using alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs). Secondary sexual traits can increase or decrease fitness in males, depending on which ART they employ, generating intralocus tactical conflict that can be ameliorated through male dimorphism. Due to the evolutionary forces acting against intralocus sexual and tactical conflicts, male dimorphism could coevolve with sexual dimorphism, a hypothesis that we tested by investigating these dimorphisms across 48 harvestman species. Using three independently derived phylogenies we consistently found that the evolution of sexual dimorphism was correlated with that of male dimorphism, and suggest that the major force behind this relationship is the similarity between selection against intralocus sexual conflict and selection against intralocus tactical conflict. We also found that transitions in male dimorphism were more likely in the presence of sexual dimorphism, indicating that if a sexually selected trait arises on an autosome and is expressed in both sexes, its suppression in females probably evolves earlier than its suppression in small males that adopt ARTs.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.q8v8v", "genre": "Article", "host": "Buzatto BA, Tomkins JL, Simmons LW, Machado G (2014) Correlated evolution of sexual dimorphism and male dimorphism in a clade of neotropical harvestmen. Evolution 68(6): 1671-1686.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.60145", "isReferencedBy": [ "PMID:24593685", "doi:10.1111/evo.12395" ], "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.60145", "keywords": [ "intralocus sexual conflict", "Coevolution", "Opiliones", "intrasexual dimorphism", "alternative phenotypes", "intralocus tactical conflict" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.60145", "timestamp": "2014-06-04T18:29:47Z", "title": "Data from: Correlated evolution of sexual dimorphism and male dimorphism in a clade of neotropical harvestmen" } }, { "id": "264733", "labels": [ "Web", "Researcher" ], "properties": { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" } } ], "relationships": [ { "endNode": "264733", "id": "631806", "properties": {}, "startNode": "63832", "type": "relatedTo" } ] }, "row": [ { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" }, {}, { "author": [ "Buzatto, Bruno Alves", "Tomkins, Joseph L.", "Machado, Glauco", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": "doi:10.5061/dryad.q8v8v/1", "description": "Secondary sexual traits increase male fitness, but may be maladaptive in females, generating intralocus sexual conflict that is ameliorated through sexual dimorphism. Sexual selection on males may also lead some males to avoid expenditure on secondary sexual traits and achieve copulations using alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs). Secondary sexual traits can increase or decrease fitness in males, depending on which ART they employ, generating intralocus tactical conflict that can be ameliorated through male dimorphism. Due to the evolutionary forces acting against intralocus sexual and tactical conflicts, male dimorphism could coevolve with sexual dimorphism, a hypothesis that we tested by investigating these dimorphisms across 48 harvestman species. Using three independently derived phylogenies we consistently found that the evolution of sexual dimorphism was correlated with that of male dimorphism, and suggest that the major force behind this relationship is the similarity between selection against intralocus sexual conflict and selection against intralocus tactical conflict. We also found that transitions in male dimorphism were more likely in the presence of sexual dimorphism, indicating that if a sexually selected trait arises on an autosome and is expressed in both sexes, its suppression in females probably evolves earlier than its suppression in small males that adopt ARTs.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.q8v8v", "genre": "Article", "host": "Buzatto BA, Tomkins JL, Simmons LW, Machado G (2014) Correlated evolution of sexual dimorphism and male dimorphism in a clade of neotropical harvestmen. Evolution 68(6): 1671-1686.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.60145", "isReferencedBy": [ "PMID:24593685", "doi:10.1111/evo.12395" ], "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.60145", "keywords": [ "intralocus sexual conflict", "Coevolution", "Opiliones", "intrasexual dimorphism", "alternative phenotypes", "intralocus tactical conflict" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.60145", "timestamp": "2014-06-04T18:29:47Z", "title": "Data from: Correlated evolution of sexual dimorphism and male dimorphism in a clade of neotropical harvestmen" } ] }, { "graph": { "nodes": [ { "id": "56487", "labels": [ "Dryad", "Publication" ], "properties": { "author": [ "Buzatto, Bruno Alves", "Tomkins, Joseph L.", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": [ "doi:10.5061/dryad.qj8713jm/2", "doi:10.5061/dryad.qj8713jm/1" ], "description": "Polyphenic traits are widespread, but compared to other traits, relatively few studies have explored the mechanisms that influence their inheritance. Here we investigated the relative importance of additive, nonadditive genetic, and parental sources of variation in the expression of polyphenic male dimorphism in the mite Rhizoglyphus echinopus, a species in which males are either fighters or scramblers. We established eight inbred lines through eight generations of full-sibling matings, and then crossed the inbred lines in a partial diallel design. Nymphs were isolated and raised to adulthood with ad libitum food. At adulthood, male morph was recorded for all male offspring. Using a Cockerham-Weir model we found strong paternal effects for this polyphenic trait that could be either linked to the Y chromosome of males or an indirect genetic effect that is environmentally transmitted. In additional analyses we were able to corroborate the paternal effects but also detected significant additive effects questioning the Cockerham-Weir analysis. This study reveals the potential importance of paternal effects on the expression of polyphenic traits and sheds light on the complex genetic architecture of these traits.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.qj8713jm", "genre": "Article", "host": "Buzatto BA, Simmons LW, Tomkins JL (2012) Paternal effects on the expression of a male polyphenism. Evolution 66(10): 3167-3178.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.38966", "isReferencedBy": [ "doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01662.x", "PMID:23025606" ], "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.38966", "keywords": [ "Phenotypic Plasticity", "Male Dimorphism", "Intra-sexual Dimorphism", "Alternative Reproductive Tactics", "Conditional Strategy", "Threshold Trait" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.38966", "timestamp": "2012-10-09T14:35:29Z", "title": "Data from: Paternal effects on the expression of a male polyphenism" } }, { "id": "264733", "labels": [ "Web", "Researcher" ], "properties": { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" } } ], "relationships": [ { "endNode": "264733", "id": "631749", "properties": {}, "startNode": "56487", "type": "relatedTo" } ] }, "row": [ { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" }, {}, { "author": [ "Buzatto, Bruno Alves", "Tomkins, Joseph L.", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": [ "doi:10.5061/dryad.qj8713jm/2", "doi:10.5061/dryad.qj8713jm/1" ], "description": "Polyphenic traits are widespread, but compared to other traits, relatively few studies have explored the mechanisms that influence their inheritance. Here we investigated the relative importance of additive, nonadditive genetic, and parental sources of variation in the expression of polyphenic male dimorphism in the mite Rhizoglyphus echinopus, a species in which males are either fighters or scramblers. We established eight inbred lines through eight generations of full-sibling matings, and then crossed the inbred lines in a partial diallel design. Nymphs were isolated and raised to adulthood with ad libitum food. At adulthood, male morph was recorded for all male offspring. Using a Cockerham-Weir model we found strong paternal effects for this polyphenic trait that could be either linked to the Y chromosome of males or an indirect genetic effect that is environmentally transmitted. In additional analyses we were able to corroborate the paternal effects but also detected significant additive effects questioning the Cockerham-Weir analysis. This study reveals the potential importance of paternal effects on the expression of polyphenic traits and sheds light on the complex genetic architecture of these traits.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.qj8713jm", "genre": "Article", "host": "Buzatto BA, Simmons LW, Tomkins JL (2012) Paternal effects on the expression of a male polyphenism. Evolution 66(10): 3167-3178.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.38966", "isReferencedBy": [ "doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01662.x", "PMID:23025606" ], "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.38966", "keywords": [ "Phenotypic Plasticity", "Male Dimorphism", "Intra-sexual Dimorphism", "Alternative Reproductive Tactics", "Conditional Strategy", "Threshold Trait" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.38966", "timestamp": "2012-10-09T14:35:29Z", "title": "Data from: Paternal effects on the expression of a male polyphenism" } ] }, { "graph": { "nodes": [ { "id": "66940", "labels": [ "Dryad", "Publication" ], "properties": { "author": [ "Buzatto, Bruno A.", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": "doi:10.5061/dryad.42pg7/1", "description": "1. Original sperm competition theory assumed that males trade expenditure on searching for mates for expenditure on the ejaculate, and predicted that males should increase their expenditure on the ejaculate in response to increased risk of competition. A recent extension of this theory has modeled pre-copulatory expenditure in terms of direct contest competition, and predicts that when the gains from marginal investment in weaponry are large, males might be expected to allocate resources to armaments even at the expense of the ejaculate. 2. Here we examine socially cued plasticity in allocation to pre- (body condition) and post-copulatory (testes mass) traits in a male dimorphic beetle, Onthophagus taurus, where major males fight for access to females and minor males obtain reproductive success via sperm competition. Both male morphs were either reared in social isolation or exposed to rivals during the period of sexual maturation following adult emergence. 3. Testes mass was found to be insensitive to social cues of future mating competition for both major and minor males. Major males allocated more to body condition when exposed to rivals, a response expected for a species in which the outcome of dyadic contests strongly affect male reproductive success. In contrast, minor male allocation to condition was insensitive to social cues. 4. Our data illustrate how socially cued plasticity in pre- and post-copulatory traits can depend on the relative importance of these episodes of selection for individual male fitness. In O. taurus dung beetles, males strategically adjusted the amount of resources they allocated to winning pre-copulatory contests over access to females. Strategic allocation to pre-copulatory contest competition did not come at a cost to male investment in sperm competition, suggesting that males may trade investment into contest competition against some other life history trait, such as longevity. The lack of plasticity in testes size suggests that selection from sperm competition may be a relatively constant feature of this species mating system.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.42pg7", "genre": "Article", "host": "Simmons LW, Buzatto BA (2014) Contrasting responses of pre- and post-copulatory traits to variation in mating competition. Functional Ecology 28(2): 494\u2013499.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.55230", "isReferencedBy": "doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12211", "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.55230", "keywords": [ "sperm competition", "phenotypic plasticity", "alternative mating tactics", "male dimorphism" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.55230", "timestamp": "2014-03-19T18:20:39Z", "title": "Data from: Contrasting responses of pre- and post-copulatory traits to variation in mating competition" } }, { "id": "264733", "labels": [ "Web", "Researcher" ], "properties": { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" } } ], "relationships": [ { "endNode": "264733", "id": "631724", "properties": {}, "startNode": "66940", "type": "relatedTo" } ] }, "row": [ { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" }, {}, { "author": [ "Buzatto, Bruno A.", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": "doi:10.5061/dryad.42pg7/1", "description": "1. Original sperm competition theory assumed that males trade expenditure on searching for mates for expenditure on the ejaculate, and predicted that males should increase their expenditure on the ejaculate in response to increased risk of competition. A recent extension of this theory has modeled pre-copulatory expenditure in terms of direct contest competition, and predicts that when the gains from marginal investment in weaponry are large, males might be expected to allocate resources to armaments even at the expense of the ejaculate. 2. Here we examine socially cued plasticity in allocation to pre- (body condition) and post-copulatory (testes mass) traits in a male dimorphic beetle, Onthophagus taurus, where major males fight for access to females and minor males obtain reproductive success via sperm competition. Both male morphs were either reared in social isolation or exposed to rivals during the period of sexual maturation following adult emergence. 3. Testes mass was found to be insensitive to social cues of future mating competition for both major and minor males. Major males allocated more to body condition when exposed to rivals, a response expected for a species in which the outcome of dyadic contests strongly affect male reproductive success. In contrast, minor male allocation to condition was insensitive to social cues. 4. Our data illustrate how socially cued plasticity in pre- and post-copulatory traits can depend on the relative importance of these episodes of selection for individual male fitness. In O. taurus dung beetles, males strategically adjusted the amount of resources they allocated to winning pre-copulatory contests over access to females. Strategic allocation to pre-copulatory contest competition did not come at a cost to male investment in sperm competition, suggesting that males may trade investment into contest competition against some other life history trait, such as longevity. The lack of plasticity in testes size suggests that selection from sperm competition may be a relatively constant feature of this species mating system.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.42pg7", "genre": "Article", "host": "Simmons LW, Buzatto BA (2014) Contrasting responses of pre- and post-copulatory traits to variation in mating competition. Functional Ecology 28(2): 494\u2013499.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.55230", "isReferencedBy": "doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12211", "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.55230", "keywords": [ "sperm competition", "phenotypic plasticity", "alternative mating tactics", "male dimorphism" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.55230", "timestamp": "2014-03-19T18:20:39Z", "title": "Data from: Contrasting responses of pre- and post-copulatory traits to variation in mating competition" } ] }, { "graph": { "nodes": [ { "id": "76608", "labels": [ "Dryad", "Publication" ], "properties": { "author": [ "Tomkins, Joseph L.", "Buzatto, Bruno A.", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": "doi:10.5061/dryad.rp5tt780/1", "description": "Polyphenic traits are widespread, and represent a conditional strategy sensitive to environmental cues. The environmentally cued threshold (ET) model considers the switchpoint between alternative phenotypes as a polygenic quantitative trait with normally distributed variation. However, the genetic variation for switchpoints has rarely been explored empirically. Here we used inbred lines to investigate the genetic variation for the switchpoint in the mite Rhizoglyphus echinopus, in which males are either fighters or scramblers. The conditionality of male dimorphism varied among inbred lines, indicating that there was genetic variation for switchpoints in the base population, as predicted by the ET model. Our results also suggest a mixture between canalised and conditional strategists in R. echinopus. We propose that major genes that canalise morph expression and affect the extent to which a trait can be conditionally expressed could be a feature of the genetic architecture of threshold traits in other taxa.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.rp5tt780", "genre": "Article", "host": "Buzatto BA, Simmons LW, Tomkins JL (2012) Data from: Genetic variation underlying the expression of a polyphenism. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25(4): 748-758.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.37317", "isReferencedBy": [ "PMID:22356471", "doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2012.02469.x" ], "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.37317", "keywords": [ "Alternative phenotypes", "Alternative reproductive tactics", "Conditional strategy", "Male polyphenism", "Male dimorphism", "Threshold trait", "Intra-sexual dimorphism", "Phenotypic plasticity", "Canalisation" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.37317", "timestamp": "2012-03-16T18:35:35Z", "title": "Data from: Genetic variation underlying the expression of a polyphenism" } }, { "id": "264733", "labels": [ "Web", "Researcher" ], "properties": { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" } } ], "relationships": [ { "endNode": "264733", "id": "631641", "properties": {}, "startNode": "76608", "type": "relatedTo" } ] }, "row": [ { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" }, {}, { "author": [ "Tomkins, Joseph L.", "Buzatto, Bruno A.", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": "doi:10.5061/dryad.rp5tt780/1", "description": "Polyphenic traits are widespread, and represent a conditional strategy sensitive to environmental cues. The environmentally cued threshold (ET) model considers the switchpoint between alternative phenotypes as a polygenic quantitative trait with normally distributed variation. However, the genetic variation for switchpoints has rarely been explored empirically. Here we used inbred lines to investigate the genetic variation for the switchpoint in the mite Rhizoglyphus echinopus, in which males are either fighters or scramblers. The conditionality of male dimorphism varied among inbred lines, indicating that there was genetic variation for switchpoints in the base population, as predicted by the ET model. Our results also suggest a mixture between canalised and conditional strategists in R. echinopus. We propose that major genes that canalise morph expression and affect the extent to which a trait can be conditionally expressed could be a feature of the genetic architecture of threshold traits in other taxa.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.rp5tt780", "genre": "Article", "host": "Buzatto BA, Simmons LW, Tomkins JL (2012) Data from: Genetic variation underlying the expression of a polyphenism. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25(4): 748-758.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.37317", "isReferencedBy": [ "PMID:22356471", "doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2012.02469.x" ], "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.37317", "keywords": [ "Alternative phenotypes", "Alternative reproductive tactics", "Conditional strategy", "Male polyphenism", "Male dimorphism", "Threshold trait", "Intra-sexual dimorphism", "Phenotypic plasticity", "Canalisation" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.37317", "timestamp": "2012-03-16T18:35:35Z", "title": "Data from: Genetic variation underlying the expression of a polyphenism" } ] } ], "stats": { "constraints_added": 0, "constraints_removed": 0, "contains_updates": false, "indexes_added": 0, "indexes_removed": 0, "labels_added": 0, "labels_removed": 0, "nodes_created": 0, "nodes_deleted": 0, "properties_set": 0, "relationship_deleted": 0, "relationships_created": 0 } }, "nodes": [ { "id": "264733", "labels": [ "Web", "Researcher" ], "properties": { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" } }, { "id": "251783", "labels": [ "RDA", "Grant" ], "properties": { "date_modified": "2011-11-29T03:20:34Z", "identifier_purl": "http://purl.org/au-research/grants/arc/DP0663746", "key": "http://researchdata.ands.org.au/alternative-reproductive-tactics-and-threshold-evolution/73703", "name_primary": "Alternative reproductive tactics and threshold evolution", "node_source": "RDA", "node_type": "Grant", "rda_id": "73703", "rda_key": "oai:ands.org.au::73703", "rda_slug": "alternative-reproductive-tactics-and-threshold-evolution", "subject_Community Benefit": "This research is focussed at the highest level in the field of evolutionary biology; testing recent theory for the evolution of alternative reproductive tactics and using these species to test hypotheses about adaptation. The proposal involves collaborations with high-profile researchers from three European countries and will increase Australia's standing as a world-leader in evolutionary biology. Australian students will benefit from exposure to high quality international collaborators. We will also increase our understanding of the biology of the European earwig, a pest species in Australia. Reproductive tactics are exciting topics for media attention and this research will reach a wide and interested Australian and world audience.", "subject_brief": "In many species, evolution has favoured two or more ways for males to increase their reproductive success. These 'alternative tactics' often involve males fighting for females or avoiding fights and sneaking matings. The tactics are frequently associated with extreme differences in body plan. The theory and empirical evidence relating to the evolution of alternative tactics has recently been challenged. This proposal aims to address this criticism by testing recent theoretical advances concerning how ecology influences the genetics of alternative tactics. In addition, these divergent life-histories within a species and a single sex, present a unique and powerful tool for testing key evolutionary questions. We will exploit this opportunity.", "subject_local": "ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION", "subject_notes": "Investigators: Dr JL Tomkins; Dr NR LeBas; Prof JS Kotiaho; A/Prof JW Radwan\n\t\t\t\tScheme: Discovery Projects\n\t\t\t\tFunding: $AUD 185,000.00\n\t\t\t\tApplication Year: 2005\n\t\t\t\tFirst Year: 2006", "type": "project" } }, { "id": "63832", "labels": [ "Dryad", "Publication" ], "properties": { "author": [ "Buzatto, Bruno Alves", "Tomkins, Joseph L.", "Machado, Glauco", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": "doi:10.5061/dryad.q8v8v/1", "description": "Secondary sexual traits increase male fitness, but may be maladaptive in females, generating intralocus sexual conflict that is ameliorated through sexual dimorphism. Sexual selection on males may also lead some males to avoid expenditure on secondary sexual traits and achieve copulations using alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs). Secondary sexual traits can increase or decrease fitness in males, depending on which ART they employ, generating intralocus tactical conflict that can be ameliorated through male dimorphism. Due to the evolutionary forces acting against intralocus sexual and tactical conflicts, male dimorphism could coevolve with sexual dimorphism, a hypothesis that we tested by investigating these dimorphisms across 48 harvestman species. Using three independently derived phylogenies we consistently found that the evolution of sexual dimorphism was correlated with that of male dimorphism, and suggest that the major force behind this relationship is the similarity between selection against intralocus sexual conflict and selection against intralocus tactical conflict. We also found that transitions in male dimorphism were more likely in the presence of sexual dimorphism, indicating that if a sexually selected trait arises on an autosome and is expressed in both sexes, its suppression in females probably evolves earlier than its suppression in small males that adopt ARTs.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.q8v8v", "genre": "Article", "host": "Buzatto BA, Tomkins JL, Simmons LW, Machado G (2014) Correlated evolution of sexual dimorphism and male dimorphism in a clade of neotropical harvestmen. Evolution 68(6): 1671-1686.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.60145", "isReferencedBy": [ "PMID:24593685", "doi:10.1111/evo.12395" ], "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.60145", "keywords": [ "intralocus sexual conflict", "Coevolution", "Opiliones", "intrasexual dimorphism", "alternative phenotypes", "intralocus tactical conflict" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.60145", "timestamp": "2014-06-04T18:29:47Z", "title": "Data from: Correlated evolution of sexual dimorphism and male dimorphism in a clade of neotropical harvestmen" } }, { "id": "264733", "labels": [ "Web", "Researcher" ], "properties": { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" } }, { "id": "56487", "labels": [ "Dryad", "Publication" ], "properties": { "author": [ "Buzatto, Bruno Alves", "Tomkins, Joseph L.", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": [ "doi:10.5061/dryad.qj8713jm/2", "doi:10.5061/dryad.qj8713jm/1" ], "description": "Polyphenic traits are widespread, but compared to other traits, relatively few studies have explored the mechanisms that influence their inheritance. Here we investigated the relative importance of additive, nonadditive genetic, and parental sources of variation in the expression of polyphenic male dimorphism in the mite Rhizoglyphus echinopus, a species in which males are either fighters or scramblers. We established eight inbred lines through eight generations of full-sibling matings, and then crossed the inbred lines in a partial diallel design. Nymphs were isolated and raised to adulthood with ad libitum food. At adulthood, male morph was recorded for all male offspring. Using a Cockerham-Weir model we found strong paternal effects for this polyphenic trait that could be either linked to the Y chromosome of males or an indirect genetic effect that is environmentally transmitted. In additional analyses we were able to corroborate the paternal effects but also detected significant additive effects questioning the Cockerham-Weir analysis. This study reveals the potential importance of paternal effects on the expression of polyphenic traits and sheds light on the complex genetic architecture of these traits.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.qj8713jm", "genre": "Article", "host": "Buzatto BA, Simmons LW, Tomkins JL (2012) Paternal effects on the expression of a male polyphenism. Evolution 66(10): 3167-3178.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.38966", "isReferencedBy": [ "doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01662.x", "PMID:23025606" ], "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.38966", "keywords": [ "Phenotypic Plasticity", "Male Dimorphism", "Intra-sexual Dimorphism", "Alternative Reproductive Tactics", "Conditional Strategy", "Threshold Trait" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.38966", "timestamp": "2012-10-09T14:35:29Z", "title": "Data from: Paternal effects on the expression of a male polyphenism" } }, { "id": "264733", "labels": [ "Web", "Researcher" ], "properties": { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" } }, { "id": "66940", "labels": [ "Dryad", "Publication" ], "properties": { "author": [ "Buzatto, Bruno A.", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": "doi:10.5061/dryad.42pg7/1", "description": "1. Original sperm competition theory assumed that males trade expenditure on searching for mates for expenditure on the ejaculate, and predicted that males should increase their expenditure on the ejaculate in response to increased risk of competition. A recent extension of this theory has modeled pre-copulatory expenditure in terms of direct contest competition, and predicts that when the gains from marginal investment in weaponry are large, males might be expected to allocate resources to armaments even at the expense of the ejaculate. 2. Here we examine socially cued plasticity in allocation to pre- (body condition) and post-copulatory (testes mass) traits in a male dimorphic beetle, Onthophagus taurus, where major males fight for access to females and minor males obtain reproductive success via sperm competition. Both male morphs were either reared in social isolation or exposed to rivals during the period of sexual maturation following adult emergence. 3. Testes mass was found to be insensitive to social cues of future mating competition for both major and minor males. Major males allocated more to body condition when exposed to rivals, a response expected for a species in which the outcome of dyadic contests strongly affect male reproductive success. In contrast, minor male allocation to condition was insensitive to social cues. 4. Our data illustrate how socially cued plasticity in pre- and post-copulatory traits can depend on the relative importance of these episodes of selection for individual male fitness. In O. taurus dung beetles, males strategically adjusted the amount of resources they allocated to winning pre-copulatory contests over access to females. Strategic allocation to pre-copulatory contest competition did not come at a cost to male investment in sperm competition, suggesting that males may trade investment into contest competition against some other life history trait, such as longevity. The lack of plasticity in testes size suggests that selection from sperm competition may be a relatively constant feature of this species mating system.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.42pg7", "genre": "Article", "host": "Simmons LW, Buzatto BA (2014) Contrasting responses of pre- and post-copulatory traits to variation in mating competition. Functional Ecology 28(2): 494\u2013499.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.55230", "isReferencedBy": "doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12211", "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.55230", "keywords": [ "sperm competition", "phenotypic plasticity", "alternative mating tactics", "male dimorphism" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.55230", "timestamp": "2014-03-19T18:20:39Z", "title": "Data from: Contrasting responses of pre- and post-copulatory traits to variation in mating competition" } }, { "id": "264733", "labels": [ "Web", "Researcher" ], "properties": { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" } }, { "id": "76608", "labels": [ "Dryad", "Publication" ], "properties": { "author": [ "Tomkins, Joseph L.", "Buzatto, Bruno A.", "Simmons, Leigh W." ], "constituent": "doi:10.5061/dryad.rp5tt780/1", "description": "Polyphenic traits are widespread, and represent a conditional strategy sensitive to environmental cues. The environmentally cued threshold (ET) model considers the switchpoint between alternative phenotypes as a polygenic quantitative trait with normally distributed variation. However, the genetic variation for switchpoints has rarely been explored empirically. Here we used inbred lines to investigate the genetic variation for the switchpoint in the mite Rhizoglyphus echinopus, in which males are either fighters or scramblers. The conditionality of male dimorphism varied among inbred lines, indicating that there was genetic variation for switchpoints in the base population, as predicted by the ET model. Our results also suggest a mixture between canalised and conditional strategists in R. echinopus. We propose that major genes that canalise morph expression and affect the extent to which a trait can be conditionally expressed could be a feature of the genetic architecture of threshold traits in other taxa.", "doi": "doi:10.5061/dryad.rp5tt780", "genre": "Article", "host": "Buzatto BA, Simmons LW, Tomkins JL (2012) Data from: Genetic variation underlying the expression of a polyphenism. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25(4): 748-758.", "identifier_uri": "http://hdl.handle.net/10255/dryad.37317", "isReferencedBy": [ "PMID:22356471", "doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2012.02469.x" ], "key": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.37317", "keywords": [ "Alternative phenotypes", "Alternative reproductive tactics", "Conditional strategy", "Male polyphenism", "Male dimorphism", "Threshold trait", "Intra-sexual dimorphism", "Phenotypic plasticity", "Canalisation" ], "node_source": "Dryad", "node_type": "Publication", "oai": "oai:datadryad.org:10255/dryad.37317", "timestamp": "2012-03-16T18:35:35Z", "title": "Data from: Genetic variation underlying the expression of a polyphenism" } }, { "id": "264733", "labels": [ "Web", "Researcher" ], "properties": { "key": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto", "name": "Bruno Buzatto", "node_source": "Web", "node_type": "Researcher", "url": "http://www.ceb.uwa.edu.au/research/researchers/bruno-buzatto" } } ], "other": [], "relationships": [ { "endNode": "264733", "id": "642300", "properties": {}, "startNode": "251783", "type": "relatedTo" }, { "endNode": "264733", "id": "631806", "properties": {}, "startNode": "63832", "type": "relatedTo" }, { "endNode": "264733", "id": "631749", "properties": {}, "startNode": "56487", "type": "relatedTo" }, { "endNode": "264733", "id": "631724", "properties": {}, "startNode": "66940", "type": "relatedTo" }, { "endNode": "264733", "id": "631641", "properties": {}, "startNode": "76608", "type": "relatedTo" } ], "size": 5, "stats": { "constraints_added": 0, "constraints_removed": 0, "contains_updates": false, "indexes_added": 0, "indexes_removed": 0, "labels_added": 0, "labels_removed": 0, "nodes_created": 0, "nodes_deleted": 0, "properties_set": 0, "relationship_deleted": 0, "relationships_created": 0 } } }

wizman777 commented 9 years ago

Fixed, please update your repositories