rd-alliance-ddri / research-data-switchboard

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The software has been created and tested on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS 64-bit Linux OS. The software requires this packages to be installed:


All software are created with Java programming language and requires Java SDK 1.7 to be installed on the system. To check your Java version, please execute:

$ java -version

from a command line. If your Java version is too low or no Java could be found, please download and install the latest Java package from:



The software also requires Maven 3.x to be installed on the system. To check your Maven version, please execute:

$ mvn -version

from a command line. If your Maven version is too low or no Maven could be found, please download and install the latest Maven package from:



This software requires multiples Neo4J instances. You can download Neo4J sources from:


You can found more information about Neo4J in the Neo4J User Manual, located at:



This software requires opensv-2.3 library. You can download this library from:


Please install locally as a Maven dependency:

$ tar -xcf opencsv-2.3-src-with-libs.tar.gz
$ cd opencsv-2.3/deploy
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=opencsv-2.3.jar -DgroupId=opencsv \
        -DartifactId=opencsv -Dversion=2.3 -Dpackaging=jar


This software requires neo4j-rest-graphdb-2.0.2 library. You can download this library from GitHub. Please install it locally as a Maven dependency:

$ git clone -b 2.0-labels-and-indexes https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/java-rest-binding.git
$ cd java-rest-binding
$ mvn install

Download and Install

To download latest sources, you can use git clone:

$ git clone https://github.com/rd-alliance-ddri/research-data-switchboard.git

The project structure are:

jars - backup directory for libraries, used in the project. Currently contains only opencsv-2.3.jar library.
v1 - V1 Package, to generate grants collapsible demo 
v2 - V2 Package, to generate RDA, Dryad and CERN database

V1 Package

V1 Package is designed to import grants and researches data into Neo4J and generate collapsible Grants demo.

Package Structure:

v1/data - data, required for V2 Package
v1/data/arc - ARC grants data
v1/data/dryad - Data, imported from Dryad and Google
v1/data/nhmrc - NHMRC grants data
v1/src - V1 Package sources
v1/src/Connectors - Software to connect nodes from different data sources
v1/src/Export - Software to export final graphs into JSON files
v1/src/Libraries - Additional libraries sources
v1/src/Loaders - Software to load data into Neo4J database
v1/src/Web - Collapsible Grants Demo web site skeleton.

Starting a fresh Neo4J instance

The package will require a fresh Neo4j instance. The connection to the instance will be performed via Neo4J web service located at localhost:7474 port. To start a fresh Neo4J instance, please locate a Neo4J sources and copy it into v1/neo4j folder. If you have Neo4J archive in the same folder, please execute:

$ tar -xvf neo4j-community-2.1.5-unix.tar.gz
$ mkdir research-data-switchboard/v1/neo4j
$ cp -r neo4j-community-2.1.5/* research-data-switchboard/v1/neo4j/
$ cd research-data-switchboard/v1/neo4j/
$ ./bin/neo4j start
$ cd ..

After that the Neo4J instance should be available and you should be able to access it by the browser via http://localhost:7474/browser/

Installing the libraries

To install REST and ResearchData libraries, please execute (from v1 folder):

$ cd src/Libraries/rest
$ mvn install
$ cd ../researchdata
$ mvn install
$ cd ../../../

Compiling and Running loaders

There is three Loader projects, and they all need to be compiled and run once from project folder. To do that, please execute (from v1 folder):

$ mkdir jars
$ cd src/Loaders/arc_loader
$ mvn package 
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/arc_loader-1.0.0.jar ../../../
$ cd ..

$ cd dryad_loader
$ mvn package 
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/dryad_loader-1.0.0.jar ../../../
$ cd ..

$ cd nhmrc_loader
$ mvn package 
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/nhmrc_loader-1.0.0.jar ../../../
$ cd ../../../

To run the programs, please execute (from v1 folder):

$ java -jar arc_loader-1.0.0.jar
$ java -jar dryad_loader-1.0.0.jar
$ java -jar nhmrc_loader-1.0.0.jar

Compiling and running connector

After data has been loaded, there will be missing connections between Dryad, ARC and NHMRC data. web_researcher_connector application is used to create them.

To compile and run this application, please execute (from v1 folder):

$ cd src/Connectors/web_researcher_connector
$ mvn package 
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/web_researcher_connector-1.0.0.jar ../../../
$ cd ../../../

$ java -jar web_researcher_connector-1.0.0.jar

Compiling and running exporters and create Demo sites

To create grants collapsible demo, the data need to be exported as a set of JSON files. The package contains four exporters, each one will generate different set of JSON files.

Te compile and run all exporters, please execute (from v1 folder):

$ cd src/Export/dataset_export
$ mvn package
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/dataset_export-1.0.0.jar ../../../

$ cd ../grant_export
$ mvn package
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/grant_export-1.0.0.jar ../../../

$ cd ../institution_export
$ mvn package
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/institution_export-1.0.0.jar ../../../

$ cd ../researcher_export
$ mvn package
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/researcher_export-1.0.0.jar ../../../
$ cd ../../../

$ java -jar dataset_export-1.0.0.jar
$ java -jar grant_export-1.0.0.jar
$ java -jar institution_export-1.0.0.jar
$ java -jar researcher_export-1.0.0.jar

After that, you will find four new folders in the v1 folder: datasets, grats, institutions and researchers. Each one will contains json folder with data for the demo. To deploy it on the web server, you will need to copy the sceleton of the site to it.

$ cp -r src/web/demo/WebContent/* datasets/
$ cp -r src/web/demo/WebContent/* grants/
$ cp -r src/web/demo/WebContent/* institutions/
$ cp -r src/web/demo/WebContent/* researchers/

The demos could be viewed locally or copied into a web server.

Stoping Neo4J instance

To stop running Neo4J instance, please execute (from v1 folder):

$ cd neo4j
$ ./bin/neo4j stop  

V2 Package

V2 Package is designed to create Neo4J Grants database. This package will require two Neo4J instances. The first instance will be used to load data, as it is, and the second one will be used to create a clean graph and add connections between the data sources

Package Structure:

v2/conf - Configuration files
v2/conf/neo4j1 - First Neo4J instance configuration files
v2/conf/neo4j2 - Second Neo4J instance configuration files
v2/data - data, required for V2 
v2/src - V2 Package sources
v2/src/Compilers - Software to copy data from the first Neo4J instance to second one, adding required connections.
v2/src/Harvesters - Software to harvest data from OAI:PMH and JSON web services
v2/src/Importers - Software to import harvested data into Neo4J
v2/src/Libraries - Additional libraries
v2/src/Libraries/CrossRef - CorssRef Library
v2/src/Libraries/Google - Google Library
v2/src/Libraries/Orcid - Orcid Library

Starting a fresh Neo4J instances

The package will require two fresh Neo4j instances. The connections to the instances will be performed via Neo4J web services located at localhost:7474 and localhost:7476 ports. To start a fresh Neo4J instance, please locate a Neo4J sources and copy it into folders v1/neo4j1 and v1/neo4j2. After that, copy the configuration files provided. If you have Neo4J archive in the same folder, please execute:

$ tar -xvf neo4j-community-2.1.5-unix.tar.gz
$ mkdir research-data-switchboard/v2/neo4j1
$ mkdir research-data-switchboard/v2/neo4j2
$ cp -r neo4j-community-2.1.5/* research-data-switchboard/v2/neo4j1/
$ cp -r neo4j-community-2.1.5/* research-data-switchboard/v2/neo4j2/
$ cd research-data-switchboard/v2
$ cp -r conf/neo4j1/conf/* neo4j1/conf/
$ cp -r conf/neo4j2/conf/* neo4j2/conf/
$ cd neo4j1
$ ./bin/neo4j start
$ cd ../neo4j2
$ ./bin/neo4j start
$ cd ..

After that the Neo4J instances should be available and you should be able to access them by the browser via http://localhost:7474/browser/ and http://localhost:7476/browser/

Installing the libraries

To install required libraries, please execute (from v2 folder):

$ cd cd src/Libraries/CrossRef/
$ mvn install
$ cd ../google_query/
$ mvn install
$ cd ../orcid/
$ mvn install
$ cd ../harvester_pmh
$ mvn install
$ cd ../import_mets
$ mvn install
$ cd ../import_rif
$ mvn install
$ cd ../../../

Compiling and running harvesters

So far there are four harvesters provided:

harvester_cern - will harvest data from CERN in OAI:PMH Dublin Core and MARCXML formats.
harvester_dryad - will harvest data from DRYAD in OAI:PMH Mets format
harvester_rda - will harvest data from RDA in OAI:PMH Rif format
harvester_rda2 - will harvest data from RDA by using JSON web service.

All harvesters can work simultaneously, and they will store data on a hard disk in XML or JSON files. If any error occurs, each OAI:PMH harvester will leave an status file on the disk. This file will be used to pick up harvesting process from the point there it was terminating. After harvesting will be finished, the status file will be automatically deleted. To compile and run all harvesters, please execute (from v2 folder):

$ cd src/Harvesters/harvester_cern/
$ mvn package
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/harvester_cern-1.0.4.jar ../../../

$ cd ../harvester_dryad/
$ mvn package
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/harvester_dryad-1.0.1.jar ../../../

$ cd ../harvester_rda/
$ mvn package
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/harvester_rda-1.0.1.jar ../../../

$ cd ../harvester_rda2/
$ mvn package
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/harvester_rda2-1.0.0.jar ../../../

$ cd ../../../
$ nohup java -jar harvester_cern-1.0.4.jar >/dev/null 2>&1 &
$ nohup java -jar harvester_dryad-1.0.1.jar >/dev/null 2>&1 &
$ nohup java -jar harvester_rda-1.0.1.jar >/dev/null 2>&1 &
$ nohup java -jar harvester_rda2-1.0.0.jar >/dev/null 2>&1 &

To check harvesting processes, please execute:

$ ps aux | grep harvester

Each harvester will create a folder in the working directory, where data and status file will be stored. After harvesting process will be finished, you will be able to run importing process.

Compiling and run importers

Importers can be run in any order as soon as harvesting process for that importer will be finished. The RDA and Dryad data will be imported into first Neo4J instance (localhost:7474) while CERN data will be imported straight into second instance (localhost:7476).

To compile and run all importers, please execute (from v2 folder):

$ cd src/Importers/import_cern/
$ mvn package
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/import_cern-1.0.0.jar ../../../

$ cd ../import_dryad/
$ mvn package
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/import_dryad-1.0.2.jar ../../../

$ cd ../import_institutions/
$ mvn package
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/import_institutions-1.0.0.jar ../../../

$ cd ../import_rda/
$ mvn package
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/import_rda-1.0.3.jar ../../../

$ cd ../import_rda2/
$ mvn package
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/import_rda2-1.0.1.jar ../../../

$ cd ../import_services/
$ mvn package
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/import_services-1.0.0.jar ../../../

$ cd ../../../
$ nohup java -jar import_cern-1.0.0.jar >/dev/null 2>&1 &
$ nohup java -jar import_dryad-1.0.2.jar >/dev/null 2>&1 &
$ nohup java -jar import_institutions-1.0.0.jar >/dev/null 2>&1 &
$ nohup java -jar import_rda-1.0.3.jar >/dev/null 2>&1 &
$ nohup java -jar import_rda2-1.0.1.jar >/dev/null 2>&1 &
$ nohup java -jar import_services-1.0.1.jar >/dev/null 2>&1 &

To check importing processes, please execute:

$ ps aux | grep import

Copy data from first instance into second instance

After all data has been imported, tha data, existing in frist Neo4J instance, need to be compiled and copied into second Neo4J instance. To do that, please execute (from v2 folder):

$ cd src/Comilers/compiler/
$ mvn package
$ cp target/jars/* ../../../jars/
$ cp target/compiler-1.0.0.jar ../../../

$ java -jar compiler-1.0.0.jar

To stop running Neo4J instances, please execute (from v2 folder):

$ cd neo4j1
$ ./bin/neo4j stop
$ ../neo4j2
$ ./bin/neo4j stop
$ cd .. 


research-data-switchboard project documentation: http://rd-alliance-ddri.github.io/research-data-switchboard/