rddl-network / shamir-coordinator-service

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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This service serves the purpose of creating and distributing shamir secret shares to a set of distributed shareholder services, and collecting them again in order to sign a transaction. The transaction will be issued on Liquid. The elemnts RPC can be configured with app.toml file. To ensure secure communication it utilizes mutual TLS. It offers three routes:


The creation and the recovery of the shares is done with the help of https://github.com/rddl-network/bc-slip39-go. Therefore, the C libraries of BlockchainCommons need to be built. Please execute the following:

git submodule update --init --recursive
pushd bc-slip39-go

The service expects that the used wallet got already created. It will load the wallet if it hasn't been loaded before but not unload after usage.


    participant Operator 
    participant Coordinator
    participant Shareholder1
    participant Shareholder2
    participant Shareholder3
    participant Wallet

    Operator->>Coordinator: /mnemonics/<secret>, with the secret to open/recreate the wallet
    Coordinator->>Coordinator: create ShamirSecretSharing scheme 2 out of 3, with 3 shares
    Coordinator->>Shareholder1: distribute share1
    Coordinator->>Shareholder2: distribute share2
    Coordinator->>Shareholder3: distribute share3

    Operator->>Coordinator: /send, with recipient and amount of tokens or /reissue with asset and amount of tokens
    Coordinator->>Shareholder1: collect shares
    Shareholder1->>Shareholder1: verify if the request is legit
    Shareholder1->>Coordinator: return share, if legit
    Coordinator->>Shareholder2: collect shares
    Shareholder2->>Shareholder2: verify if the request is legit
    Shareholder2->>Coordinator: return share, if legit
    Coordinator->>Shareholder3: collect shares
    Shareholder3->>Shareholder3: verify if the request is legit
    Shareholder3->>Coordinator: return share, if legit
    Coordinator->>Coordinator: recompute secret with the help of the shares
    Coordinator->>Wallet: recreate/unlock wallet
    Coordinator->>Wallet: Send tx request to transfer the amount of tokens to the recipient


This service relies on TLS certificates. See example to easily generate certificates for development.

The service can be executed via the following go command without having it previously built:

go run cmd/shamir-coordinator/main.go


The service needs to be configured via the ./app.toml file or environment variables. The defaults are

asset-id = 'asset-id'
certs-path = './certs/'
log-level = 'info'
rpc-enc-timeout = 20
rpc-host = 'localhost'
rpc-password = 'password'
rpc-port = 18884
rpc-scheme = 'http'
rpc-user = 'user'
rpc-wallet-name = 'wallet'
service-bind = 'localhost'
service-port = 8080
shamir-shares = 3
shamir-threshold = 2
share-holder-list = 'https://localhost:8081,https://localhost:8082,https://localhost:8083'
test-mode = false