rddl-network / tendermint-explorer

Blockchain explorer for Tendermint. Supports JSON transactions and UTF-8
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RDDL Network Explorer

Blockchain and transaction explorer for Tendermint. Supports JSON transactions and UTF-8. Based on Cosmos Explorer.

What is different from Cosmos Explorer?

RDDL Network Explorer relies only on REST RPC (no LCD).

Also it has few extra features comparing to Cosmos Explorer.

List of blocks

List of blocks in RDDL Network Explorer

Transaction details

If a block has transactions that are JSON objects, RDDL Network Explorer will render all tx's fields automatically. Explorer handles UTF-8 encoded values in a proper way.

Block Details in RDDL Network Explorer


RDDL Network Explorer is stateless and relies on a high-throughput Tendermint full node to connect to. Explorer requires Tendermint RPC endpoints to be available publicly through TLS-secured subdomains. The convention is https://rpc.fullnode.com.

To change the backend, edit the file ./src/store/modules/blockchain.js. On the lines 5, change the localhost:26657 part of the URL to your full node's domain name.

rpc: "http://localhost:26657"

And change the line 27 too:

const client = RpcClient("ws://localhost:26657")

WARNING: Every user that visits the Explorer opens two websockets to the default full node. The user will continue to spam your full node with AJAX requests until they close the page. We need a better backend solution for the Explorer! Please help if you can.

Set Env Variables

Set Correct RPC URL and Network Name in the .env file In order to resolve Planetmint and RDDL transactions properly, the VUE_APP_RPC_PM_URL env variable has to point to the Planetmint RPC URL.



# Install dependencies

# Serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider yarn serve


# Build for production with minification
yarn build

# Then serve the `./dist` folder with the web server of your choice