rdf-connect / jvm-runner

Platform agnostic orchestrator for RDF Connect, written in Kotlin.
MIT License
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[!CAUTION] This software is undergoing major changes. Documentation may be outdated.

JVM Runner

Test Suite

A proof-of-concept implementation of a Kotlin-based JVM runner. Currently, this runner supports Java and Kotlin based processors.


Standard Processor Library

This runner includes a set of standard processors that can be used directly by the end user without the need for additional dependencies. These processors also serve as a reference for processor developers. The implementation can be found here.

RDF Utilities

Interact with RDF data.

Processor Description
jvm:RDFValidator Validate RDF data using SHACL.
Network Utilities

These processors interact with the network.

Processor Description
jvm:HttpFetch Reads data from an HTTP endpoint.
File Utilities

Fetch and write data from and to the local file system.

Processor Description
jvm:FileReader Reads a file with a given path from the local file system.
jvm:FileWriter Overwrites/appends a file with a given path using the incoming data.


At the time of writing, the JVM Runner supports a limit set of datatypes and classes. You may use either wrapper classes or the primitive types directly.

URI Java Mapping
jvm:HttpChannelReader bridge.Reader
jvm:HttpChannelWriter bridge.Writer
jvm:MemoryChannelReader bridge.Reader
jvm:MemoryChannelWriter bridge.Writer
xsd:boolean boolean
xsd:byte byte
xsd:dateTime java.util.Date
xsd:double double
xsd:float float
xsd:int int
xsd:long long
xsd:string java.lang.String

Note that SHACL will validate your processor, so out-of-range or invalid values will be caught.

Contributor Guide

Language Versions

The only Kotlin version supported is v1.9.22 for the time being, due to dependencies on the embedded compiler.

Pre-Commit Hooks

This repository supports pre-commit hooks. To install the hooks, run the following command.

pre-commit install



The Kotlin code in this repository is formatted using Meta's ktfmt tool, mainly due to the following feature.

ktfmt ignores most existing formatting. It respects existing newlines in some places, but in general, its output is deterministic and is independent of the input code.

No feature flags are used. Invoke using the following command.

ktfmt ./**/*.kt

Due to ktfmt's relation with google-java-format, we use the later for Java code formatting. Invoke using the following command.

google-java-format -r ./**/*.java