rdkcentral / ut-core

Unit Test - Core Framework
Apache License 2.0
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ut-core: Minor Bug In Macro, string length is not checked #124

Open Ulrond opened 4 weeks ago

Ulrond commented 4 weeks ago

Possible bug, do we need to check the length of the two strings during the comparison

Example of the problem.

Validation String: "ABC" Input String: "ABCDEF"

I think this will pass as the Validation String == Input String, when actually it should fail.

/**! Asserts that a string KVP field matches the expected value. */
#define UT_ASSERT_KVP_EQUAL_PROFILE_STRING(checkValue, key) \
    { \
        char result_kvp[UT_KVP_MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE]={0}; \
        ut_kvp_status_t status; \
        status = ut_kvp_getStringField(ut_kvp_profile_getInstance(), key, result_kvp, UT_KVP_MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE); \
        UT_ASSERT( status == UT_KVP_STATUS_SUCCESS ); \
        if ( status == UT_KVP_STATUS_SUCCESS ) \
        { \
            UT_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(checkValue, result_kvp); \
        } \
        else \
        { \
        } \

Code that performs the validation is here, we may need to upgrade all the string macros to validate better

#define UT_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(expected, actual)                       \
    {                                                                  \
        const char *_expected = (const char *)(expected);              \
        const char *_actual = (const char *)(actual);                  \
        const int _result = strcmp(_actual, _expected);                \
        if (_result)                                                   \
        {                                                              \
            UT_LOG_ASSERT(UT_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL, #actual, #expected); \
        }                                                              \
        CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL(_actual, _expected);                    \