Manage and search an Elastic database of academic articles, deployed on Heroku. Nothing fancy, just want to be able to (a) find an article, and (b) provide API to match citation strings to articles.
Basic idea: Get articles as CSL JSON from ether local database or external sources, create simple Elasticsearch schema and upload documents to Elasticsearch in the cloud (e.g., Bitnami).
Key features:
. [The species of the Afrotropical genus Neoplerochila Duarte Rodrigues, 1982 (Insecta, Heteroptera, Tingidae, Tinginae).] and Die Arten der afrotropischen Gattung Neoplerochila Duarte Rodrigues, 1982 (Insecta, Heteroptera, Tingidae, Tinginae). From DataCite and BioNames. Same article, titles in different languages, clustered on DOI
JSTOR and BioNames examples cluster on JSTOR, but BioStor not because CSL lacks JSTOR identifier
In BioNames and BioStor, not linked yet as BioNames has no BioStor record
Not clustered as not clustering on BioStor.