ESP NodeMcu as alarm info detection and sharing on IFTTT. (require IFTTT account and a WebHook + Alarm item) Also it expose the pin status on a web server. First 3 pins used.
This prototype is for Lince EURO5K but can be adapted to many other alarm systems
NOTE: the simple wifi client and server has been used instead of HTTP class because the 2nd not working (maybe for memory issue) on NodeMcu
Power 20 (AUX) / 21 (GND) -------------- [step-down 12v-3,3v]------------------- Pin 3,3v/GND
Failure Ok = not connected / Failure = GND 22 (OUT) ----------------------------------------------------------------- D4 Pin (INPUT_PULLUP)
Armed Nothing = +12v / Armed -> Not connected [=> require voltage divider] 32[+OFF] --------- [1KOhm]------+------- [330Ohm] ----- GND [21] 12v | 3v +----------------------------------------- D2 Pin (INPUT) [ voltage divider or step-down] Alarm Nothing = not connected / On Alarm = (NA connected to C) 27 (C) ----------- GND [21] 26 (NA) ------------------------------------------------------------ D3 Pin (INPUT_PULLUP)