re-legion / status

📣 Current Status of RE:LΞGION Servers/Services
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📣 Current Status of RE:LΞGION Servers/Services:

![NPIA00005_screenshot_2022_05_11_21_59_37]( ℹ️ | Currently we are in our closed/internal **Beta-Testing phase**. During this time we are working on fixing the network services & functions. :---: | :--- Just with any massively multiplayer online title, our online services will go through **rigorous** development cycles/stages to ensure that once we fully release Home back to the masses, we can ensure that *most* issues are sorted out. Down below here is the following development roadmap/pipeline that we are adhering to. - **1.** *Closed Alpha* - Internal testing by **Testers/Helpers** and **Developers**. - **2.** *Closed Beta* [**Session 1**] - Testing by **Cache Donators** & **Nitro Boosters**. - **Closed Beta** access will be expanded in **four** incremental phases: - Phase I: 20 people. - Phase II: 50 people. - Phase III: 100 people. - Phase IV: All donators/boosters. - **3.** *Closed Beta* [**Session 2**] -- As above but with improvements, fixes and more content added to our client. - **4.** *Open Beta* -- Early Access available to **all members** of the [Discord]( - **5.** *Official Release* ⚠️ | Note there is no *ETA* for each stage! Developers work in their **free time** and any real-life responsibilities e.g., *college*, *work*, *family matters* will dramatically affect progress; please be patient. :---: | :---