re-ovo / Matrix-Issues

Matrix Issue Tracker
GNU General Public License v2.0
49 stars 18 forks source link
anticheat bukkit-plugins minecraft spigot-plugin

🔊 Warning: This repository does not accept how to bug feedback, please use the discord ticket function
🔊 Warning: This repository does not accept how to bug feedback, please use the discord ticket function
🔊 Warning: This repository does not accept how to bug feedback, please use the discord ticket function
🔊 Warning: This repository does not accept how to bug feedback, please use the discord ticket function

Matrix Issue Tracker

This repository exists to track issues and feature requests.



To report an issue, click Issues in the repositry navigation bar, click New issue, and choose one of the issue templates.

If you do not follow the issue templates, your issue will be marked as invalid and be closed.

Discord Role

You must submit 10 valid issues on the issue tracker to receive the "Bug Catcher" role in the Discord server.

These issues must be valid, non-trivial issues that contributed to a patching a bypass or false positive in a Matrix update.