reactiverse / pinot-client

This client exposes the Pinot Java Client for Eclipse Vert.x applications.
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 1 forks source link


Vert.x Pinot client exposes a convenient API for Eclipse Vert.x applications to query Apache Pinot servers.

The client is built atop the official pinot-java-client.


Using maven:


Using Gradle:


Sample usage

Initialize the transport and the client:

String brokerUrl = "localhost:8000";
VertxPinotClientTransport transport = new VertxPinotClientTransport(vertx);
VertxConnection connection = VertxConnectionFactory.fromHostList(vertx, List.of(brokerUrl), transport);

Here is a sample usage with Java API where we ask to retrieve a list of top 10 players with most home runs:

String query = "select playerName, sum(homeRuns) AS totalHomeRuns from baseballStats where homeRuns > 0 group by playerID, playerName ORDER BY totalHomeRuns DESC limit 10";
    .onSuccess(resultSetGroup -> {
        ResultSet results = resultSetGroup.getResultSet(0);
        System.out.println("Player Name\tTotal Home Runs");
        for (int i = 0; i < results.getRowCount(); i++) {
            System.out.println(results.getString(i, 0) + "\t" + results.getString(i, 1));

And here is the RxJava 2 API equivalent:

String query = "select playerName, sum(homeRuns) AS totalHomeRuns from baseballStats where homeRuns > 0 group by playerID, playerName ORDER BY totalHomeRuns DESC limit 10";
    .subscribe(resultSetGroup -> {
        ResultSet results = resultSetGroup.getResultSet(0);
        System.out.println("Player Name\tTotal Home Runs");
        for (int i = 0; i < results.getRowCount(); i++) {
            System.out.println(results.getString(i, 0) + "\t" + results.getString(i, 1));
    }, Throwable::printStackTrace);

You can configure the underlying webclient options while creating the Vert.x transport. For instance, here is how an example of configuring timeouts on the web client transport:

WebClientOptions options = new WebClientOptions()
VertxPinotClientTransport transport = new VertxPinotClientTransport(vertx, Map.of(), "http", null, options);