reactsydney / talks

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Graphql and React Relay #48

Closed bchenSyd closed 6 years ago

bchenSyd commented 7 years ago

Talk Date June or July

Talk Title Graphql and React Relay

Length 30~40 minutes

Twitter-sized Overview (140 characters) Want to give an introduction on how graphql and relay are used at unibet racing client. How it helps to reduce the amount of http request and how it makes data access easier (potentially how it's different from redux)

Detailed Overview probably an introduction to graphql first (not sure if this necessary) and then focus on the use of relay. Our project is not open-sourced so I probably will use a relay example instead to explain/demo how to use it in react application

jesstelford commented 7 years ago

Hey @bochen2014 - This is a great talk proposal. Are you able to do it at the July 3rd meetup?

An introduction to graphql can't hurt - about 50% of the audience are new to react :+1:

bchenSyd commented 7 years ago

no problem. thanks Jess. will talk about it on 3rd July.

baebb commented 7 years ago

Hyped for all the GraphQL at the next meet 🔥